Angelo Bronte, a Man of Honor

online TreeFittyactivity 1994 Days Agoreddeadredemption2views 2782 Views
  • Encounter the dog and the drunk
  • Don't get spotted by the law
  • Complete within 10 minutes 40 seconds
  • Get 4 headshots

Angelo Bronte, a Man of Honor

The gang meets with Angelo about returning Jack. Things get hot but ultimately cool down. Angelo will give back Jack but he needs a favor first.

Rewards: $123.75

Measuring contest

Arthur meets with Dutch and John in the park across from Angelo Bronte's house. All three are ready so they begin to walk over. Follow Dutch. Arthur says if it turns into a shootout Jack will likely get hit. Dutch quiets him down. They approach the gate and Dutch calls out to the guard. After a short conversation Dutch grabs the guard's gun through the gate and knocks him down. Dutch says he wants to see his boss and hands back the gun. Other guards exit the house with theirs drawn. The trio is escorted in.

They are brought to Angelo who is relaxing on a couch. Dutch gets to the point about Jack. Things get intense and on the brink of bullets flying but Dutch settles down and tries to reason with Angelo. He denies having anything to do with the liquor business and says they didn't make any other problems on purpose. Angelo calls Dutch out for his actions and personality but then admits he likes him.

Angelo orders drinks for his new friends. He says they can have Jack but first they need to do a job for him. Some people - his men - have been robbing graves in the local cemetery but haven't given him a cut. Angelo tells Arthur and John to look into it. He wants Dutch to stay and have further conversations. Arthur and John walk out.

Ghost town

Mount your horse and follow John. He doesn't believe what Angelo says. Arthur explains that Jack isn't much use to him since the Braithwaites are gone. They just need to get this job done and they'll get Jack. Hitch your horse outside the cemetery and continue to follow John. When you enter the gates you are told to search the cemetery for the grave robbers.

Moving through the darkness you'll see people sneaking away from you. These are just random people. Near the middle a dog is heard barking. Go to the south entrance and no one is around. Calm the dog and keep moving. To the north more noise is heard. Investigate to find a drunk. Near the far end noise is heard in the northeast corner. Walking up to a mausoleum, the noise is coming from inside. Arthur and John take up post and get ready to force the door.


Hide and seek

The duo busts open the door but there is no one to be found. As they look around shots fly at them from the cemetery. Both find cover and you are put back in control with four grave robbers ahead. Kill two and the other two run off to find better cover. A fifth will surprise you from behind so fight him off. When they are all dead John says they need to bring something back to Bronte. Go to the robber's stash towards the east entrance. There is a lantern inside a small mausoleum. Pick up the stash and whistles are heard from police officers in the area.

Follow John who tries the gate nearby. It's locked so they'll need to go back out the way they came. Lawmen pour in from the west entrance along with two dogs. Continue to follow John along the south side. He stops when an officer approaches to inspect a body but walks away. Move up as the dogs begin to find your scent. Stay with John dodging officers across the cemetery. Eventually you exit and can mount your horse.

If you alert the officers be ready for a huge fight. In addition to the group with dogs in the cemetery, reinforcements will come in large waves. You'll need to fight your way out of the cemetery and face a hail of bullets getting to your horse. When you finally escape you'll need to lose the heat.

Friends in high places

Ride back to Bronte's manor. John hopes Angelo keeps his side of the deal. Arthur is sure Angelo will hear that they kept their side. Arriving at the gate both dismount and enter. Dutch welcomes them out front and so does Jack. John is happy to see him. Dutch tells his crew to move out. Arthur tosses a guard the stash.

On the street Dutch says Angelo has invited them to a party at the mayor's house. Mount your horse and follow Dutch. John apologizes to Jack for taking so long. Jack says he had fun. His room had a large bed, toys, and books. He explains spaghetti to John and teaches him a few Italian words. You can talk to Jack too.

Back at camp Abigail is happy to have her son back. She thanks Dutch and Arthur. Dutch goes with Hosea to talk about Angelo Bronte. They have some interesting work coming up. John thanks Arthur. The gang goes to celebrate Jack's safe return. Javier plays a song. Free drinks are around camp.

Gold Tips

  • Move as quickly as possible. You'll be stuck with the pacing of other characters for the most part but the fight with the robbers and going back to the manor are on you.
  • At the cemetery, quickly go to the dog location and then the drunk. You do not need to interact with them. Then go to the mausoleum. You can't run at this point.
  • Quickly headshot the robbers. You can get three or four from the mausoleum. You'll need to chase the other one or two towards the west. Use Dead Eye to help you see better.
  • There is no accuracy objective but again, you need to be quick.
  • When the robbers are dead go to the stash location and wait for John. Grab the stash as soon as you can.
  • Follow John to get out of the cemetery without being spotted. When the first officer walks off, get ahead of John and stay along the south side. Wait for the officers at the entrance to clear and then go to your horse. Start making your way towards the manor but do not leave John until the game tells you to go to the manor.