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"DH: ... We definitely take the tone of a game very seriously. For Red Dead, the goal was not particularly “seriousness”, but to make a western that was not cheesy or camp, as westerns have a habit of becoming cheesy or camp if played remotely for laughs. We wanted a game that had some humour in it, however, and I hope we managed that. Certainly, at the end of the game, we liked the characters and the mood of the world, and wanted to make more content for it. But I think as to why we chose to do a zombie game for red dead not GTA, the answer is a combination of factors ... "
"DH: It's difficult because zombies are inherently ridiculous but they also have to be frightening or the game would be very boring, so we tried to find a tone that was legitimately terrifying at times and somewhat silly or self aware at other times. Again, using the character set and landscape from Red Dead Redemption made both easier. Using known characters gives you a short hand for both humor and fear as players already know about the characters and their relationships and helps us mine them for satire, social commentary or pathos, while the American countryside and its landscape is as much part of horror iconography as it is for the Wild West."