American Lobbyist

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American Lobbyist

Certain people are speaking against the governor of West Elizabeth. Persuade them to change their tune.

Rewards: up to $25

Part 1

Speak with a man inside the gazebo of the main plaza in Blackwater. He says he works for Governor Nate Johns. An individual is currently spreading nasty rumors about his boss which needs to be stopped. The man in the gazebo has photos of this person with a local whore and wants them shown to him. A reward will be paid afterward.


Run over to the bank (open during daytime hours) and find the opponent sitting down towards the left. When you approach a cutscene has him saying non-nice things about the governor. When he's shown the photos, he says Nate Johns is a fine man and friend.

With the opponent's opinion changed, return to the blackmailer in the gazebo. Speak with him and you are given money for your services.


  • The bank is open 7 AM to 6 PM so do this mission during daylight hours.
  • The monetary reward can be $20-$25. To get the full amount of money you'll need to skip cutscenes and sprint between both characters.
  • Once you have possession of the photos they can be viewed anytime from your inventory under "kit".