RDR Gaming Tips: Free Roam Challenges Part 2

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More official Red Dead Redemption tips from Rockstar Games themselves. Last time we got tips for the Sharpshooter and Hunter Challenges. This time get help with Outlaw Challenges.

To view Free Roam Challenges in the game, enter multiplayer. Pause the game, choose 'Journal' and then 'Free Roam'.

Outlaw I - Public Enemy
  • Become Most Wanted and earn 250 XP and the title Outlaw.
    Tip: Get a bounty of more than $1000 to become a Public Enemy and become 'Most Wanted'.
  • Become Most Wanted ten times and earn 250 XP and the title On The Run.
    Tip: An example of a safe place with plenty of cover is the third floor of the El Alcalde De Chuparosa building in Chuparosa. Use the ladder in the east room of the second floor to gain access, and watch that ladder closely for Law Men.
  • Become Most Wanted 50 times and earn 250 XP and the title Career Criminal.
    Tip: Another example of a place in the game with great cover is behind the counter of Nathaniel Johnston's General Practice Physician's building in Armadillo. But be careful as other players might try to light your character on fire by shooting at the lantern hanging from the ceiling...

Outlaw I - Bounty
  • Gain a bounty of $500 and earn 250 XP and the title Bandito.
    Tip: Shoot and kill enough Law Men to get your bounty over $500. Take cover.
  • Gain a bounty of $1000 and earn 250 XP and the title Renegade.
    Tip: A bounty of $1000 will make you a Public Enemy. Take positions in a building with your posse and stay alive at all costs.
  • Gain a bounty of $5000 and earn 250 XP and the title Enemy of the State.
    Tip: The Law Men will do everything they can to take you down. Stay near a town to ensure that more and more Law Men keep coming as you shoot them down.

Outlaw I - Survival
  • Stay alive for three minutes with a posse after you and earn 250 XP and the title Running Man.
    Tip: Don't ever run out into an open area with Law Men after you unless you are sure you have sufficient cover from the rest of your posse.
  • Stay alive for five minutes with a posse after you and earn 250 XP and the title Fleeing Felon.
    Tip: If you want to find a stagecoach and get up to six of your posse rolling, wait along roads or look in towns. Just be sure whoever is steering has mad skills.
  • Stay alive for seven minutes with a posse after you and earn 250 XP and the title Maniac Militia Member.
    Tip: Be sure you've got plenty of ammunition and good weapons before going for this one. For example, get the Mauser Pistol from inside the west building in Twin Rocks.

Outlaw II - Outlaw Gang
  • Form a posse of two or more. All posse members must gain a bounty of at least $1000 to earn 250 XP and the title Mild Bunch.
    Tip: Another good spot for your posse to take cover and fire at Law Men is on top of the Foreman's Office in MacFarlane's Ranch. Have one of your posse members keep an eye on the staircase for incoming Law Men.
  • Form a posse of two or more. All posse members must gain a bounty of at least $2500 to earn 250 XP and the title Motley Crew.
    Tip: It's always good to appoint a leader to give orders when fighting off Law Men to complete challenges.
  • Form a posse of two or more. All posse members must gain a bounty of at least $7500 to earn 250 XP and the title Wild Bunch.
    Tip: Posse up and stick together. Everyone needs to work together to get through this challenge.

Outlaw II - Public Enemy Killer
  • Kill a Public Enemy player and earn 250 XP and the title Deputy.
    Tip: When you hear the announcement that a player in your Free Roam has become a Public Enemy, a skull will appear on your radar.
  • Kill five Public Enemy players and earn 250 XP and the title Sheriff.
    Tip: Any player that's gained a bounty of more than $1000 will want to stay alive at all costs, so use clever tactics when approaching. If the Public Enemy is inside a building, see if you can snipe him through a window from a distance or kill him with dynamite.
  • Kill 25 Public Enemy players and earn 250 XP and the title Law Dog.
    Tip: Observe how the Public Enemy is killing Law Men, and be sure to use a different tactic. Be careful to not trample a dog or shoot a horse as this will give you a bounty and make it more difficult for you to take down the Public Enemy.

Outlaw II - Public Enemy Kill Streak
  • Get a kill streak of three while being a Public Enemy and earn 250 XP and the title Yellowbelly.
    Tip: Gain a $1000 bounty and find a spot where you can take down Law Men and also use a rifle at long range to take down incoming players.
  • Get a kill streak of five while being a Public Enemy and earn 250 XP and the title Remorseless.
    Tip: Always regenerate your health using cover. If a posse of players is coming after you, pull out the Mauser Pistol you obtained from Twin Rocks and fire away at a rapid rate.
  • Get a kill streak of seven while being a Public Enemy and earn 250 XP and the title Public Enemy #1.
    Tip: You've made it to a kill streak of five. All you need to do now is get two more kills. Reload your weapons, keep knocking down Law Men and watch the blips on your radar. Patience is key. Wait for that perfect moment.
  • Kill a Most Wanted player while you are Most Wanted and earn 250 XP and the title The Coward.
    Tip: Easiest way to do this is to find a player that's already Most Wanted. Keep your space from the player. Start taking down Law Men and become Most Wanted. Then rush for the player and show your skills.

If you have been in our Red Dead Redemption forums or using our member-submitted guides, you may have known some of these already! And if you have any additional tips to share on how best to complete the Free Roam Challenges, let everyone know in the comments!