5271 Days Ago
Rockstar is releasing more great tips about surviving in the world of Red Dead Redemption. This time the tips focus on the maps of the
Legends and Killers DLC. Check them out below:
Playable modes: Shootout, Gang Shootout, Gold Rush, Hold Your Own and Grab The Bag
- Use the ladders to scale buildings such as the Blackwater Hotel to gain the advantage of high ground...
- If you see an enemy on a nearby rooftop, throw a stick of dynamite and blow their britches right off.
- Narrow alleyways provide quick cover when you need to regenerate health or when running slowly with a bag or two over your shoulder.
Playable modes: Shootout and Gang Shootout
- When making your way up the southern road to get to the top of the hill, use the crates for cover.
- Use the two towers in front of the mansion to get a good view of the action below.
- When walking next to one of the many high walls in the area, always watch your radar for other players that may be climbing over or following you.
Fort Mercer
Playable modes: Shootout, Gang Shootout, Gold Rush and Grab The Bag
- The back of the fort on the southwest end is a bit more quiet than the front, and a good place to rack up kills without the possibility of there being too many enemies nearby.
- As there are plenty of opening and closing doors at all times, it's best to stick with a teammate to assure you're making it around alive.
- If you're running down a narrow hallway or are running inside some of the buildings, have a close range weapon equipped.
Hennigan’s Stead
Playable modes: Hold Your Own and Grab The Bag
- Use the large trees to your advantage. They provide ample cover in this otherwise wide open area.
- Shady grass can help you blend in a bit with the surroundings. Stay out of the sun as much as possible.
- Stop every now and then and survey the land around you for movement. You'll be much harder to spot if you aren't moving.
Manzanita Post
Playable modes: Hold Your Own and Grab The Bag
- Use the tents near the center of the area for cover when needed.
- Before running up to a bag, take a quick look around to be sure no enemies are nearby...
- Use the hills west of the road to get around the area so as to not be detected.
- Avoid the main road and use trees to keep the enemy from spotting you.
Punto Orgullo
Playable mode: Hold Your Own
- Stay crouched and aware of who is coming around each and every corner.
- Follow along the rock face as much as possible as there are smaller rocks placed near the rock wall that you can hide behind.
- When turning a corner around a large rock, have a close range weapon ready as you never know who is coming the other way.
Río Bravo
Playable modes: Shootout, Gang Shootout and Gold Rush
- A close range weapon such as a Shotgun or Tomahawk will come in very handy on this map.
- In Gold Rush, crouch and use the rocks for cover as you make your way to find bags.
- This dry and bright area makes it easy to spot other players with dark clothing in the harsh sunlight - use this to your advantage.
Tall Trees
Playable mode: Hold Your Own
- This snowy map has some cover with trees, so use them when needed.
- Avoid the wide open and vulnerable area northwest of the "T" in "Tall" on the in-game map.
- The golden rule is especially important here in the woodlands: stick together with your team to accomplish the goal.
Thieves' Landing
Playable modes: Shootout, Gang Shootout, Gold Rush, Hold Your Own and Grab The Bag
- The Gatling Gun on the bridge on the west end is quite tempting, but only wise if you've got teammates providing cover.
- It's always best to crouch while making your way around this map, particularly in Shootout. Stop and survey the area for movement every few moments, always stay near a wall for cover.
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more! If you've been hanging around our
Red Dead Redemption forums you may have known some of these already!