More Asked and Answered: RDR DLC and More!

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Rockstar is answering more fan questions again. Questions can be asked on Rockstar Newswire, Mouthoff, Twitter, and Facebook. Check out the Red Dead Redemption asked and answered below...

“Is Attack and Defend the only multiplayer mode available on [the Liars and Cheats Pack] dlc?” - Tom543

The Liars and Cheats Pack is crammed full of multiplayer content - including the Stronghold Competitive Multiplayer Mode – and also a ton of new modes and features like Multiplayer Horse Races with combat, 7 New Gang Hideouts, 4 New Hunting Grounds, Multiplayer Poker and Liar's Dice Games... plus you'll have the all new Explosive Rifle, the ability to play as 15 additional multiplayer characters from the Red Dead Redemption storyline, and more. It is a massive pack we think really expands the multiplayer experience in both Free Roam and Competitive Multiplayer.

“The explosive rifle [from the Liars and Cheats Pack] sounds even stronger than the buffalo rifle so is it and will it be available for everyone who buys it or do you have to reach a certain level?” - Jack-Trey

The Explosive Rifle in the Liars and Cheats Pack is something to behold – it’s certainly worthy of its name. All we can say is, stay tuned – we’ll probably release a first glimpse of it by next week, along with more details on when and where you get it.

“Can you please let us know if you have done something about modders/cheaters that you promised?” - llOnDutyll
“Have the modders/hackers/cheaters been banned yet?” - Floppay
“Do R* have any plans to tidy up the leaderboards and address some of the blatant cheating that is evident by some of the times that are clearly unachievable? We've seen a few other developers collaborate with MS to deal with cheating, why not R*?” - ChipSpudskin

Yep, the hammer has dropped on the most egregious of cheaters and hackers out there, and we’ll continue to ban others that we detect. We’re in the process of removing all invalid leaderboard data as well. Please continue to give us feedback on these issues to [email protected].

“Hey Rockstar, could you please just list the different Legends and Killers Pack titles and what challenge (or action) earns them? I have completed all the Tomahawk challenges (single player and multiplayer) and have all these titles, but I would like to know which one is for which challenge. Thanks again!” - Techno769

Sure thing, happy to help. Look for a new entry of Rockstar Game Tips in the next day or so where we’ll detail all of this out for you and for anyone who can use it.

“@RockstarGames how do u rob a bank in #RedDeadRedemption?”received via Twitter

Enter Armadillo and equip a weapon. At night, when the bank is closed and locked, shoot out the glass and wood in one of the windows. Climb inside, move into the back and crack both safes to gain a nice sum of money.

“What's the point of the co-op checkpoints…?” - Denver

Checkpoints in the ‘Outlaws to the End’ Co-operative missions are present so you can respawn once the other players in your posse have passed a certain area. For example, if you die at the beginning of Ammunition and your other teammates kill all of the enemies in an area and pass the checkpoint, you will respawn. However, if you die and all of your teammates die before reaching a checkpoint, you will be forced to restart the mission from the beginning. This gives it a bit more of a challenge and forces players to come up with strategies.

“It's sad that all this content could not be free. I already paid for the game (and many did too) and I have to pay 30 more bucks to have all DLCs ? That's how the game industry work in these days. It's just sad that Rockstar (best video game studio ever, by the way) had to take the same path...” - DonPascualino
“The zombies pack sounds like it actually adds a lot, yet it's the same price as the Legends and Killers, which should have been 5 bucks. It really didn't add a whole lot for the asking price. I was afraid that all the add-ons would be 10 dollars each, almost totaling the original game price, and it looks like that's exactly what's happening, just because.” - KwietStorm

We completely understand that everyone likes getting something for free – as do we! And we’re trying to do our part to give you as many freebie bonus goodies as we possibly can such as the Outlaws to the End Co-Op Missions Pack and the forthcoming Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack and Marshals Outfits unlock. But we hope that you can appreciate that our paid DLC Packs such as Legends and Killers and Liars and Cheats contain a ton of brand-new features that have been carefully designed and developed from scratch. We began to plan the DLC before the original game was released, but a long time after it was content complete. In the case of Legends and Killers for example, months of game design and development work were required to tailor all nine maps to be great Competitive Multiplayer arenas for people to play in – not to mention meticulous design, code and testing for features like the Tomahawk weapon and its related Challenges, and all of the rest of the content in the pack. We always aim to give you top value with our games and our DLC releases and we hope to be keeping you very happily entertained with future Red Dead Packs. Paid DLC is a contentious issue, but we believe our approach – of giving good content at a fair price - helps fans prolong a gaming experience and is not a case of gouging the most important people – our fans – for a few extra bucks.

“Come on R*! You say you listen to popular demand, yet you seem to flatly refuse everyone asking for a train in multiplayer, why is that?” - captaincabbage
“Will there be a train in mp?”Super_Souvlaki
“Honestly, the only thing I’m a little disappointed about at this point, is a bow and arrow aren't mentioned at all...” - WOLFMUTT

We absolutely listen to popular demand, but we don’t necessarily do what people want. We may simply not like an idea. Or in some cases, it may just not be technically possible within time constraints. But certainly many of the features created and offered in the Red Dead Redemption Downloadable Content Packs are directly inspired by fan requests.

“I just wanted to know what the song was in the mission "Great Men Are Not Always Wise Men" in Red Dead Redemption, it can also be heard on the loading screen sometimes. I have the soundtrack but it was not on it, I looked for it on youtube but no one knows what it’s called or who it’s by. I wanted to know what the tune was called and where I could get it from.” - indrajeet rajeev

Hey there – the music that plays during that mission is simply part of the vast original score composed by Bill Elm and Woody Jackson. There are only a few discrete pieces of music which can be identified as songs per se – and those are the ones available on the actual Original Soundtrack album that you have, but plenty of bits of music exist as stand alone tracks.

“Hey quick question are you going to have a DLC with the U.S marshals as characters?” - gowking07
“There wasn’t much detail on the highly anticipated release of the 8 marshals in multiplayer. Will they be part of the 15 characters for the dlc pack or a separate download or challenge?” - JakeEastwood

We hope to have more information on this soon, but it won’t be in the Liars and Cheats Pack. All the multiplayer characters in that Pack are from the single player story.

“Is the Undead Nightmare Pack single player only? What will multiplayer get because I'd like to kill zombies with my friends?” - Anthony

The Undead Nightmare Pack will include single player and multiplayer components, and we’ll be announcing more specifics here on the Newswire in the not too distant future.

“Undead Nightmare?? What’s up with this zombie stuff? I hope this doesn’t ruin the western feel of Red Dead!”received via Mouthoff

We hear what you are saying. We love the world of Red Dead Redemption and wouldn’t do anything to sully it. While we respect your doubts, we ask you to trust us – when you play the game, you will understand what we have done and, we hope, why. The game is shaping up nicely and the combination of cowboys and zombies works really well. We hope that when you see some trailers and screenshots from the game, we can begin to change your mind.

“Just wondering do you have a released date planned for the [Hunting and Trading] outfit packs to come out?” - StompingSnakes
“When are the Savvy Merchant and Expert Hunter outfits going to be available?” - TXConfidnz
“Is the Hunter and Merchant pack out?” - Jack-Trey
“It's out already? I don't see anything.” - Rodriguer2000
“Only PS3 Why is it not on Xbox LIVE?” - SFX6669

Just to clear this one up – an incomplete and unfinished version of the Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack was uploaded in error on PlayStation Network in Europe temporarily last week. This was not the final version, is missing some features, and has not been fully tested – which is why some PS3 users in Europe who saw and downloaded it experienced some technical issues trying to use it. For this reason, we recommend that if you’ve downloaded it, you delete it. The real deal Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack will be made available within the next couple of weeks worldwide – and we’ll tell you all about it right here then.

“Hmm I bought the Legends DLC, so now, can those who didn’t buy it see my Revolver character or is the update on its way?” - Gz_Biker

Yes indeed – compatibility for everyone else online to see the content you got with the Legends and Killers Pack will be included in the free-to-download Hunting and Trading Outfits pack coming in the next couple of weeks.

“@R* are you ever going to reintroduce gamer tags in free roam?” - Quekster007

As promised in our last edition of Asked & Answered, we’ll soon be including these in our next Title Update (1.04). Look for that to become available just prior to the release of the Liars and Cheats Pack later this month.

“Nice looking DLC R* - who is the woman on the instruction manual cover?? Thanks” - TexasFlood

That young woman is known only as “The Scarlet Lady” – a voluptuous if somewhat tragic frequenter of the saloons and parlors of the West. Check out our downloads section for hi-res artwork of her in a wide variety of formats.

“Who won the [Red Dead Rockstar Multiplayer Challenge] contest for being in the game?” - received via Twitter

A lucky lad has indeed won our contest to get his likeness in an upcoming Red Dead Redemption Downloadable Content Pack. We’ll be revealing the winner along with some images of how he’s going to look in-game very soon.

“Is there going to be another 2x XP event any time soon?” - received via Twitter
“Hi Rockstar thank you so much for the double XP I am so close to getting the albino buffalo tongue.gif
Will there be more double XP like in the next month or something. Thanks Rockstar smile.gif
- dean2k9

You are quite welcome – and yes… in the next month, we shall have another Double XP Weekend.

“Any chance we can get more info on how the multiplayer poker and liars dice are going to work?”tuco1980
“Am so gonna buy it. Hay R* can you give more info about Poker and Liar's Dice Games?” - dahmooony

Sure. We’re pretty excited about it too – and looking forward to ante’ing up on you guys online in our first official Liars and Cheats Social Club multiplayer event on Friday, Sept 24th. Here’s just a little bit of info for now on how they will work. In Multiplayer Poker, 2-6 players can compete in Armadillo, Beecher's Hope, Casa Madrugada, MacFarlane's Ranch or Thieves' Landing. Liar's Dice can be played with 2-6 players in Casa Madrugada, Escalera and Thieves' Landing. You’ll be able to launch either one from their new respective Multiplayer playlists or via Free Roam by finding their icons on the map and going to it. You won’t be able to cheat in poker and you’ll get a certain amount of money per day to play these new Multiplayer gambling games. Make sure to use your time wisely now to practice in single-player so you can prove your mettle as a dice champ or card sharp online come the 21st.

“Things have been quiet on the LA Noire front. Anyone have any news? @rockstargames? #lanoire” - received via Twitter
“@rockstargames Hey how's it going, I love RDR but I'm ready to love LA Noire, what's the hold up?” - received via Twitter

You should be ready to love LA Noire. Very soon. The game is truly groundbreaking and we will have more information very soon. We may even try to steal a screenshot and sneak it out here or on Twitter…

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more and ask your own! In the mean time hit up our Red Dead Redemption forums and posse up or get help!