Rockstar is answering more questions from the fans! Check out what the community is pondering and what Rockstar has to say. This time it's about the recently released
Liars and Cheats Pack plus some little bits of the
Undead Nightmare Pack. They're answering questions recieved from the Newswire as well as at
Twitter and
“@ R* i've been on the forums now reading about the explosive rifle for the single player. some people claim they've bought it in Blackwater for 5,000 while others like myself have to pay 15,000 can you please clarify how much it actually costs and if this is a glitch that i have to come up with some insane amount of money after completing the game.......i want my trophy!” –
In single-player, the Explosive Rifle from the Liars and Cheats Pack can cost as much as $15,000, but if you have enough honor and completed all nine Treasure Hunter Challenges, the price goes down to $5,000. In order to begin the Treasure Hunter Challenges, you’ll need to find the first treasure map, which is only obtainable after helping a treasure hunter that is being attacked by bandits (which occurs at random – try assisting anyone you see on the side of the road asking for help, but beware of traps set by bandits themselves). Once you’ve acquired the first map, subsequent treasure maps will be included with each treasure you find thereafter. Collect all nine treasures to complete the challenge.
“It has been 24 hours REAL TIME and my gambling funds have yet to replenish. I still only have $15. This is a great pack, but what gives with that? I really enjoy all the new features but I am very confused on how this works.” –
Every 24 hours, if you’re out of money when you try to join Poker/Liar’s Dice, you’ll get an advance of $200. If you have more money than that, you don’t get an advance. The amount of money you have is saved, and will carry over from day to day. And if you don't think your money has replenished properly, enter a game via the playlist and check there, just looking at the playlist will not add money.
“Do you earn xp for playing poker or simply completing poker challenges, because I cleaned out a full table yesterday night and didn't recieve any xp? Another example, I was playing with my friend and he lost but gained more xp than the guy who won the match. I'm just a little confused? Awesome dlc tho
” –
Yes - you do earn XP for Poker whether you win or lose. The longer you stay in the game, the more XP you will earn. The player that's the last one left should obtain the most XP and money earned.
“Can you add more female options to choose from in Red Dead multiplayer? Us girl gamers need more options!” –
received via Mouthoff
We agree. That's why we’ve added a few additionally playable female characters to Multiplayer from the single-player story as part of the Liars and Cheats Pack. These include: Abigail Marston, Bonnie MacFarlane, and Luisa Fortuna.
“How do you unlock the characters? Do you have to get to a certain level?” –
“Rockstar can you please tell us how to unlock the locked characters please I really want to be Abraham Reyes” -
To clarify this one – upon release of the Liars and Cheats Pack last week, players originally were required to have beaten certain single-player missions/achievements in order to unlock some of the new multiplayer characters. Since then, and by popular demand, we went ahead and unlocked them for everyone who downloads the Pack. You will not be prompted to download anything for the automatic update, but you may need to restart your console to see the changes in the outfitter.
“Rockstar I really need an answer please, it’s been bugging me all day, for what reason did you decide to include the characters that you did? Jack, Abigail, MacDougal, I was really hoping I could get to play as Escuella or De Santa or Archer Fordham at least
.” –
Since the decision to include the story characters in multiplayer was made after the game was released, we had a technical limitation of only 15 additional characters we could add to this pack, in addition to a limit on the total number of multiplayer characters we could make available for the entire game. While the single player story has well over 40 characters that people could find interesting, there was a finite limit we had to work within. Realizing the number of female avatars was a little low in the original release, we included all 3 of the main female characters from the main story – Abigail, Luisa and Bonnie. Obviously we needed to include John and Jack. This left us with only 10 slots, and we felt it was important to include a variety of conventional western characters – such as Marshall Johnson and Bill Williamson – along with more unusual characters like Seth and Professor MacDougal, in order to cater to as many tastes as possible. We ultimately had to omit characters that we loved, and were gutted to not be able to include all of them. Our sincere apologies if your favorite didn’t make the cut, however we believe the selection lets players live out their fantasies as lawmen, outlaws, renegades or tyrants… or drug addled intellectuals and exhuming treasure hunters for the more exotically minded amongst you.
“Is it true that if one kills a developer of Rockstar online, you get an Achievement?” –
received via Facebook
Yes – unlock the
Red Dead Rockstar Achievement/Trophy by taking down a Rockstar in multiplayer. Look for the official Gamertags/IDs RedDeadDev1 through RedDeadDev26, and note that on PSN, 8 and 18 are RedDeadDev_8 and RedDeadDev_18. Any similar names with other numbers are not official Rockstars. Additionally, since the Red Dead Rockstar Achievement/Trophy is viral you can earn it by killing anyone that already has it.
"Would you please disallow friendly fire in Free Roam?" -
We are currently working on a new Title Update for Red Dead Redemption that will include a "Friendly" version of Multiplayer Free Roam, where player-vs-player killing is disabled. Look for more details on that in the coming weeks.
“So what’s going on with the compatibility download? I'd really like others to see me as the characters I’m playing as and not some random character I probably don't even like.” -
The compatibility issue with non-DLC owners not being able to see the unique multiplayer characters from the
Liars and Cheats or Legends and Killers Pack will be resolved with a compatibility update that is part of the free Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack coming this October. Look for more details and an exact release date for this free pack very soon.
“Is Tumbleweed really haunted? I’m very curious about it cuz it says in the newspaper in the game” -
There is definitely something strange happening there this fall.
“Rockstar you guys say you listen to the fans, well I think it's overwhelming the fans want Landon Ricketts as a mp character.” –
“Come on Rockstar Give us Landon Ricketts” -
“@R* we want Landon Rickets come on guys” –
We do listen to the fans – we can’t or sometimes merely won’t always do what the fans want for technical, taste or any other number of other reasons. That being said, regarding Landon we pointed this out recently – well there is bad news and good news… the bad news is that he isn’t in this set of playable characters from the Liars and Cheats Pack. The good news is you have not seen the last of him. Let’s just say he’s been rather busy dealing with some surprising phenomena. More info soon.
“ok R* can you please send me the song from the mission "great men are not always men" please, I need that song, and can you make the all the other stand alone tracks available, I mean the ones on the soundtrack were alright, but the stand alone tracks are epic. i seen loads of people asking the same question all over the internet, come on R* please?” –
received via Mouthoff
Following up on our last Asked & Answered speaking about other original tracks from the score and soundtrack, we’d love to offer you guys some more music in this way. Please understand though that to issue this music properly for release, they require a bit of production work and remastering, so we’d like to know from people such as yourself which other tracks you’d most like to see released in a new volume of the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack. If there’s enough interest, we may do a post in a week or so to gauge which other tracks fans would most like to see (hear) released.
That's all for now! More coming soon along with info on upcoming releases! Stay tuned and hit up our
Red Dead Redemption forums!