5233 Days Ago
Presenting the official updated calendar of the popular
Rockstar Games Social Club Multiplayer Events through the end of the year - with tons of multiplayer action for Red Dead Redemption including the new
Undead Nightmare release coming October 26th.
If you've never participated in one of the multiplayer events, mark your calendars and join to:
- Play with and against members of Rockstar Games, including some of the folks who helped create the games themselves
- Watch the live video stream of the event as it unfolds at the official Events page
- Join in the live chat and talk sh!t with Rockstar and other fans as you watch the action on the stream, and make requests for next modes and playlists during the event
- Enter event sweepstakes (entry fields open only during the event hours) for a chance to win prize packs of limited-edition t-shirts, stickers and more!
The hub of each and every multiplayer event is the official Social Club Multiplayer Events page at - bookmark it, suckas!
Here's the complete calendar of what Rockstar have got lined up for the rest of October through December 2010 for RDR:
- Thursday, October 28 (4-7PM Eastern)
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare
For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network
- Friday, October 29 (4-7PM Eastern)
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare
For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE
Muah-ha-ha. Back-to-back days of Red Dead right before Halloween weekend where they'll be playing multiplayer from the new zombified DLC release: the Undead Nightmare Pack (available for download the previous Tuesday, October 26th on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network) as well as other multiplayer modes from Red Dead Redemption by demand. They'll also be online that entire week following the two events from November 1-5 playing Undead Nightmare in non-streaming sessions we'll be announcing at random on Twitter and Facebook. Make sure to follow closely as always.
- Thursday, November 11 (4-7PM Eastern)
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare
For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE
Let's work together to fight hordes of evil bloodthirsty zombies on XBL, shall we? Plus other modes from across all the other packs and the original ones included in Red Dead Redemption. Along with live chatting, giveaways, and all that.
- Friday, December 3 (4-7PM Eastern)
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare
For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network
Oh yeah. Undead Nightmare zombie horde killin' multiplayer. Liars and Cheats Poker, Liar's Dice, Stronghold, Horse Races with combat, and Explosive Rifle action. Legends and Killers Competitive Mode map sessions and Tomahawks to the face. Outlaws to the End Co-Op Missions galore. Not to mention fan favorite modes from the original release's Multiplayer selection. Start making your request wishlist.
- Thursday, December 16 (4-7PM Eastern)
Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare
For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE
Posse up on Xbox LIVE. The last event for 2010 will be a doozy with online action from Red Dead Redemption and the gooey gory multiplayer fun of Undead Nightmare. Look for some special giveaways and sweepstakes prizing. Perfect for holiday re-gifting if you're not trying to horde it all for yourself.
All of our official Gamertags and IDs will be announced in the days before each event, as always.
And as previously mentioned in this post, be sure to follow and 'like' Rockstar and iRedDead on Twitter and Facebook pages so you'll know the moment we're getting online for an impromptu session of multiplayer. We'll be playing plenty of modes in Red Dead, Grand Theft Auto IV, Episodes from Liberty City and even Midnight Club online multiplayer. Keep a watchful eye on our pages and feeds and chat with other fans in the
Red Dead Redemption forums!