Check out all the exclusive challenges available to
Rockstar Games Social Club members in Red Dead Redemption!
From Rockstar themselves:
Today, we are very happy to unveil some of the Red Dead Redemption features that will await you at the Rockstar Games Social Club come May 18th.
For two years now, the Social Club has been our private club for players to track their game progress and stats, compete on leaderboards, unlock exclusive game content, and take part in official multiplayer events with live stream and chat.
Red Dead Redemption continues in that tradition and takes things to an entirely new level with a revamped website and seamless integration into the game itself. From within the in-game menus, you will be able to easily register for Social Club and automatically link it to your Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network account. Then when accessing the Social Club website, you can complete your account and unlock 7 exclusive cheats right to your game.
At the forthcoming Red Dead Redemption area of the actual Social Club website – members will be able to access:
Social Club Challenges – We’ve stockpiled a collection of exclusive cheats that will only be accessible by Social Club members who complete a series of special challenges. The first of which, available at game launch on May 18th, will be the Pike’s Basin Challenge. To unlock this challenge, Social Club members must beat the "Justice in Pike's Basin" mission early in the game and complete the "Pike's Basin" gang hideout by helping rancher Errol Hewitt defeat a gang of ruthless cattle rustlers. Social Club members can then take on the Pike’s Basin Challenge – face off against the rustlers and:
- Kill 3 enemies in one Dead Eye burst
- Drag a gang member through the basin (by lassoing him on horseback)
- Kill all enemies while on horseback
Completion will post your best time and medals attained to a special Social Club Challenges leaderboard – and garner you the exclusive "Guns Blazing" cheat (ability to shoot bullets that could set your enemies on fire). Stay tuned for many more Social Club Challenges to be revealed at the Social Club after game release.
Rockstar Challenges – Pitch in with everyone else playing online to cumulatively accomplish a grand challenge and unlock a special reward. Look for the very first one, The Strike It Rich! Rockstar Challenge, to kick off in late May after enough people have made their mark in the world of Red Dead Redemption. Whether you earn it, win it or steal it – grab as much money as you can to reach the grand total bank cume and unlock the exclusive Posse T-Shirt for your Xbox LIVE or PSN avatar. At the Social Club, you’ll also be able to keep track of the current community progress towards this goal as well as get information on special inside tips and tricks to help get there. Stay tuned for more Rockstar Challenges to be announced.
The Blackwater Ledger – A special and dynamic Red Dead Redemption community edition of the in-game newspaper keeping community members apprised of all the latest goings on across the game world – from New Austin to Nuevo Paraiso to West Elizabeth. The newspaper will report daily news from the frontier including who’s earned the highest bounties, a business column on what products are most purchased from local merchants, and a blotter of which weapons are being used the most. Registered members will see a snapshot report of their own latest status of Honor and Fame, as well as Experience, Rank, Game Progress and more.
My Stats – There, you will be able to track your in-game progress down to the very last detail – from how you performed in each single-player mission to which weapons are working the best for you by yielding the most kills and accuracy, to extensive multiplayer stats tracking your performance in each session played online. You will also be able to compare each and every statistic against your Social Club Friends. If you’re a Social Club member and have not yet linked in your Friends from Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network –
click here for info on how to do so.
Multiplayer Leaderboards – The most robust and easy-to-use leaderboards yet. Every mode – both for Competitive and forthcoming downloadable Co-Op – tracking leaders across a variety of statistical categories. Browse global leaderboards to see what it takes to be truly elite – or see friends-only leaderboards for proper bragging rights amongst your Social Club Friends.
Achievements & Trophies – Whether you’re playing on Xbox LIVE or PSN, you’ll be able to keep track of each and every Achievement or Trophy you’ve unlocked (and when) as well as see which ones you have yet to score – and exclusive tips to help you get ‘er done. You will also be able to compare in detail against your Social Club Friends.
The 100% Checklist – Exclusively at Rockstar Social Club, completionists on a quest for 100% in Red Dead Redemption can use a detailed guide to see exactly what they’ve unlocked – and what’s remaining, along with info, tips and a map legend to help you on your way.
Official Red Dead Redemption Social Club Multiplayer Events – The highly-anticipated first official Red Dead Redemption Social Club Multiplayer Events will kick off starting the weekend after game release on Friday May 21st (for PS3 on PSN; at 4-7 PM Eastern) and Saturday May 22nd (for Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE; at 1-4 PM Eastern). Celebrate the release of Red Dead and play with and against a slew of us Rockstars worldwide – including members of Rockstar San Diego. As with all official events, Social Club members will be able to additionally participate in the live chat at the events page and watch a live stream of all the action as it goes down.
Click here for the full multiplayer calendar announced through the end of June and expect continuing official Red Dead multiplayer events through the summer and beyond…
All of this will be available starting with game release on May 18th – only one week away.
If you don’t yet have a membership – make sure you register post-haste at
Also check out the newly launched Social Club feature page at the Red Dead Redemption official website at for a peek at what the Red Dead Social Club site will look like.
There you have it. Also check out some brand new screenshots with large images available in our

ALSO pick up a RDR T-shirt from
Rockstar Warehouse here!