Rockstar Recommends: Favorite Westerns Recap

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Get that last bit of hype into your system by watching some of Rockstar's favorite Western films.

"Among the ones we chose were films from both legendary director Sam Peckinpah and actor/director Clint Eastwood, along with selections from Sergio Leone, John Wayne and George Roy Hill - as well as a few more contemporary favorites, including The Proposition, an amazing film directed by our good friend John Hillcoat, plus a guilty pleasure or two, and others we consider to be certifiable modern classics."

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948, Dir. John Huston)
3:10 To Yuma (1957, Dir. Delmer Daves & 2007, Dir. James Mangold)
Major Dundee (1965, Dir. Sam Peckinpah)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968, Dir. Sergio Leone)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969, Dir. George Roy Hill)
The Wild Bunch (1969, Dir. Sam Peckinpah)
High Plains Drifter (1973, Dir. Clint Eastwood)
The Shootist (1976, Dir. Don Sigel)
Young Guns (1988, Dir. Christopher Cain)
Lonesome Dove (1989, Dir. Simon Wincer)
Unforgiven (1992, Dir. Clint Eastwood)
The Proposition (2005, Dir. John Hillcoat)

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