More New Screens: Rescuing Missing Persons

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In the wake of the horrific zombie plague that is reawakening the dead in tomorrow's Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, several citizens have gone missing across the world. During his journey across the frontier to find a cure, John Marston will often come across posters calling attention to those that have mysteriously disappeared.

To begin the search for a Missing Person, look for these posters in clean zones throughout your travels. Clean zones are areas under tight military control and are relatively safe from the undead menace.

Check out this series of new screenshots from the new Missing Persons Challenges...

Marston examines a missing persons bulletin, one of the new Challenges in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.

Approach with caution. Arriving upon a missing person's last known location...

Marston gets some help cleaning up around the house.

The road less traveled is often the safest.

Even after rescuing a stranger in distress, the return trip is often filled with wayward undead you may need to deal with.

Undead Nightmare comes out tomorrow! Hit up the Red Dead Redemption forums!