Welcome To iRedDead.com

online Psyactivity 5418 Days Agowebsiteaffiliates 3396 Views
Following on from the success of iGrandTheftAuto, we have switched our attention to Rockstar Games' latest creation, Red Dead Redemption. Built on the same engine as GTA4, Red Dead promises to be one of the games of the year in 2010 and we decided to start a small fansite to cover the game before, and after launch.

Similarly to Red Dead and GTA4, iRedDead is built on the same engine and Content Management System used with iGrandTheftAuto.com. Users can contribute Guides, Images, Videos, News and Downloads, as well as commenting on and rating content across the website.

If you already have an account at iGrandTheftAuto.com, you can use that to log in here. If not, you may wish to head over to iGTA and register on the forums. The account you create there will allow you to log in here.

Join us in looking forward to Red Dead Redemption, and help us make iRedDead.com the biggest and best Red Dead resource on the net.

If you run another Red Dead fansite, or a website about any of Rockstar's video games, we'd be more than happy to affiliate with you. See our Affiliates Page for details.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy the new website!

I also need to say a big thanks to TreeFitty and OptimumPx for helping with the website content and providing feedback on the design during the creation process. The website was actually put together in less than 48 hours from registering the domain name on Monday this week! smile.gif

- Psy