Title Update 1.04 for Red Dead Redemption

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From Rockstar...

A new automatic title update (version 1.04) for Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is being made available today. You will be prompted to download the title update as soon as you sign into PlayStation Network or Xbox LIVE.

This new title update will add the location markers for all the new Free Roam content that is part of the upcoming Liars and Cheats Pack. While the content itself will not be accessible until the release of the Liars and Cheats Pack this Tuesday, September 21st - in the meantime, you'll be able to see it greyed out on your map to mark the spots of where all the new Gang Hideouts, Hunting Grounds, Poker, Liars Dice and other new action will be going down come next week.

Additionally, this update addresses the following issues:
  • Added Posse Scoring & Leaderboards in Free Roam.
  • Added Southpaw control support.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to disarm some enemies in Nosalida.
  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn't be harmed if he got knocked down.
  • Fixed an issue where Stranger mission states were not loading appropriately on a soft-reset or boot up.
  • Fixed an issue with the mission 'The Wronged Woman', where players would fail the mission if they did not loot Harold's corpse.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect button references in Help text for Region 3 setups.

If you are experiencing any other problems, please visit our official support site, or send us an email at [email protected]. Additionally, you can reach our support team on Twitter at twitter.com/rockstarsupport.

Note that the title update is currently available on PSN Europe and is expected to be available on both platforms overnight tonight. We will keep you updated here when availability is confirmed for all territories and platforms tomorrow morning. Thank you.