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"We spent the better part of January nailing down the games we agreed internally were the best contenders for best game of 2010. In 2009, we narrowed that list down to just three games. This year it came down to two....
Several felt that Rockstar's western epic, Red Dead Redemption was the pinnacle of gaming in 2010 because of not only what it offered to gamers, but how it delivered that experience."
"We wrote up our thoughts on all four games, debating the good, the bad, the ugly of the games. We even opened the debate to you, our readers, and we talked amongst ourselves.As for the readers' choice, Red Dead Redemption came in third with over 17% of the votes.
Then we voted.
Kotaku Tower agrees, as much as we can, that the best video game of 2010 was Red Dead Redemption."