5395 Days Ago
As we close in on the release of Red Dead Redemption, reviews are starting to be released. The first to come out is Game Informer who rated the game
9.75. Some basic info from the review:
Rating: 9.75
Concept: Transpose Grand Theft Auto gameplay template onto a Wild West setting.
Graphics: Breathtaking scenery, unrivaled horse animations, and vastly improved cinematic cutscenes over GTA IV make this the best-looking Rockstar game to date.
Sound: From pitch-perfect gunshots to the daunting rumble of prairie thunderstorms, the remarkable attention to audio detail brings the world to life.
Playability: The airtight aiming and cover system will be familiar to anyone who's played GTA IV, and the horses control better than those I've ridden in any other game.
Entertainment: Rockstar ably recreates an expansive send-up to frontier life and gives players enough variety to keep cowboys engaged for several fortnights.
Replay Value: High.
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