Red Dead Redemption Title Update Sept 12th

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In preparation for this week's release of the FREE Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack, a new title update for both Red Dead Redemption & Undead Nightmare is now live. You will be prompted to download the update upon signing into PlayStation Network or Xbox LIVE and starting up the game.

This title update includes:
  • Return of Undead Overrun to original rules (extended sudden death, no explosive spit)
  • Fixes for several multiplayer exploits, including invincibility, invisibility, flying, and rapid-fire
  • Fix for exploit which resulted in use of Undead weapons in Free Roam
  • The addition of an option to exit Undead Overrun without sacrificing XP
  • Fix for killing other players in Friendly Free Roam by cooking dynamite
  • Fix for a Poker exploit that resulted in rapid accumulation of money
  • Fix for occasionally being unable to move after crashing in a wagon
  • Fix for Nuevo Paraiso bounties being reset upon loading a save
  • Fix for System Link issue on Xbox 360

If you encounter any issues downloading this title update or need to report any technical problems, please contact the Rockstar Games support team through any of the following means:

Twitter: @RockstarSupport
Email: [email protected]

Have fun and join us at the Grand Theft Auto V forums!