Once again it's time to put down a Rockstar Dev and show the Red Dead Redemption community who runs the West! Join Rockstar on the PlayStation 3 this Friday, November 18th, from 4 to 7 PM Eastern Time US. Also enter for a chance to win custom RDR PS3 Dualshock controllers and enjoy TRIPLE XP ALL WEEKEND! More details below...
To get down with any and all of it during the event, head over to the
Social Club multiplayer events page. Any version of Red Dead or Undead Nightmare is compatible with Game of the Year Edition multiplayer - so even if you don't have the Game of the Year Edition release, you can join Rockstar to play in any of the applicable modes on PSN.
You'll be able to enter the sweepstakes at the
multiplayer events page under 'Sweepstakes Entry' during the event for a chance to win the two specially customized Red Dead Redemption PlayStation 3 controllers you see above. Rockstar has given away two pair of these limited-edition jammies before and entering the sweepstakes is the only way to get your hands on them (they are not available for purchase). Once you enter, you'll also have the chance to win one of 20 runner-up Rockstar prize packs that includes an official t-shirt and stickers.
Joining Rockstar as special guest players for this event will be their long-time friends, the
Konsole Kingz down in Atlanta who are planning on doing giveaways of their own at the
Konsole Kingz website. Cheers to the KKz squad for taking part including
Sergio da Pro, and Red Dead fan and model
Sheneka Adams - should be extra buckwild in the wild wild west this Friday!
- sergiodaprokkz
- Sheneka1
- RedDeadDev3
- RedDeadDev4
- RedDeadDev5
- RedDeadDev6
Start multiplayer from the main menu, choosing 'Normal' from the list of difficulties. This will place you into a Free Roam lobby. It's best to invite at least one friend and form a posse, but this is not required. Then enter the game mode being discussed by "SocialClub" in the chat.
Free Roam is the hub of your online experience. Supporting up to 16 players, Free Roam allows you to explore with your friends and enemies, take out the gangs of outlaws or launch into more structured gameplay using the markers placed around the world. Rockstar will be forming posses and then heading into several game modes during the event.
To start the game, invite your friends, form a posse and find Rockstar, follow these steps:
- From the main menu, press 'Start' and then enter 'Online Multiplayer' by pressing the 'Square' button, and choose 'Normal'.
- Once in a Free Roam lobby, press the 'Select' button to open the in-game multiplayer menu.
- Press the 'R1' button and then the 'Triangle' button to 'Show Friends'. Invite at least one friend into your posse using the 'X' button.
- Once your friends are in the game, press the 'Triangle' button again to return to the 'Players' menu and select them with the 'X' button to 'Propose New Posse' or 'Send Posse Invite'.
- Once you and your friends are ready to go, start up the game mode Rockstar is currently playing. They'll announce modes in the chat.
See you there and come find out about
Grand Theft Auto V at iGTA5.com!