4536 Days Ago
Whether you are on a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, saddle up and ride out with Rockstar Games and other Red Dead Redemption fans tomorrow, September 13th, from 11 AM to 2 PM Eastern Time US. Of course this event kicks off a TRIPLE XP WEEKEND and there's a chance to win some cool prizes. More details below...
View all the action via one of two video streams and chat with other Social Club members on the
Social Club multiplayer events page. While there, take about 20 seconds to enter your details for your chance to win one of five deluxe prize packs including including a shirt from the new Rockstar tee collection, Red Dead playing cards, Red Dead stickers and some of the
new Rockstar stickers! And on top of all that, they'll have a third video stream with another chatroom on
Rockstar's Twitch page. Lots of ways to get in on the action, whether you can or can't join ueveryone in-game!
- RedDeadDev3 (Xbox 360)
- RedDeadDev4 (PS3)
- RedDeadDev5 (Xbox 360)
- RedDeadDev6 (PS3)
Rockstar will invite players during the event, but please keep in mind that they might not necessarily be able to get you in right at the beginning. Loads of players attempt to send over friend requests and messages, and they give priority to those
asking nicely in the chat or on the comments. Anyone constantly spamming the chat or comments probably won't find an invite in their messages.
Start multiplayer from the main menu, choosing 'Normal' from the list of difficulties. Then enter the game mode being discussed by one of the Rockstar admins in the chat. And yes, they'll have some Hardcore matches during the day.
While waiting to get an invite, play with friends. To start the game, invite your friends and form a posse, follow these steps:
- From the main menu, choose to enter multiplayer, and choose a difficulty.
- Once in a Free Roam lobby, press the 'Select' or 'Back' button to open the in-game multiplayer menu.
- Press 'R1' or 'RB' and then the 'Triangle' or 'Y' button to 'Show Friends'. Invite at least one friend into your posse using the 'X' or 'A' button.
- Once your friends are in the game, press the 'Triangle' or 'Y' button again to return to the 'Players' menu and select them with the 'X' or 'A' button to 'Propose New Posse' or 'Send Posse Invite'.
- Once you and your friends are ready to go, have fun in Free Roam or head into one of the many multiplayer modes.
- Alternatively, you can watch the video streams and attempt to follow Rockstar into different public modes.
See you there and at the
Grand Theft Auto V forums!