Red Dead Title Update Next Week

online asthenia & bOnEsactivity 5083 Days Agoaffiliates 2671 Views
Rockstar Games announced earlier today that a patch will be coming sometime next week that will fix a lot of the bugs, glitches, and multiplayer issues. They also mentioned another surprise in the article. Here's what they had to say:

"We are aware that there are still some of you out there experiencing issues with Red Dead Redemption, including multiplayer connectivity and getting the Mo Van Barr bounty. We are currently testing a Red Dead Redemption title update for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that aims to fix these and other items. Due to the unpredictable nature of the testing and console manufacturer submission process, we cannot pin down a very specific date and time, but we do expect this to be released for download for both systems by the end of next week. We can assure you we are working with our partners at Microsoft and Sony to make this title update available literally as soon as possible.

Once again, we thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding. As a token of our appreciation for your patience and in gratitude to all the Red Dead fans out there, we are also planning on releasing the Expert Hunter and Savvy Merchant outfits and related challenges later this summer for free. Please stay tuned for more details on that - as well as on the Outlaws to the End Co-Op Missions DLC Pack coming for free later this month."

The losing Gamestop promotional contest outfits will be released later this summer for free, along with their respected challenges required to unlock. But look out for the patch next week!

Until then, discuss this on our Message Boards! Yee-haw!