NowGamer Interview with RDR Designers

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NowGamer had a chance to talk with Kris Roberts and Tom Shepard, some of the lead designers of Red Dead Redemption. They reveal some insight into why things are the way they are in the gameworld. Read some selected info below:

QUOTE: NowGamer
Outlaw challenges revolve around shootouts with law enforcement, or collecting the bounties of other players who've already taken on the Law. So gaining kill streaks while wanted, or earning high bounties on your own head will all come with their own benefits. In addition, this can actually turn into its own game. For example, if you ride into the town of Armadillo and start trouble with the law there, the first person with a bounty of $1000 dollars on their head will be denoted a Public Enemy, and suddenly everyone else in the game world will be offered this bonus if they are the person to take you down.

When you enter the Outfitter, you can select from nine different character class types including Lawmen, Marshals, Miners or Cattle Rustlers, to name a few, as well a wide range of character models within each type, with more available as you level up. And of course, you will get to choose what breed and type of mount you ride, with some very special breeds available as you progress. In addition, you will be able to give your character a title, and any titles you may have unlocked by completing challenges are will be available here, and will appear over your character's head so everyone can see what you've managed to accomplish. Also, as you level up you'll gain new weapons to use in Free Roam.

You can read the full interview here. Discuss in our forums!