Website Round Up October 04 2010

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Welcome to our news roundup for the week commencing October 04 2010. This is an automatic news post listing everything that's been going on with in the past week. If you want to stay up to date with the latest news or check out our newest content, browse the links below.

News Articles

We added 12 news articles:


We added/updated 1 page:


We added 20 images:

Undead Nightmare Poster
Undead Nightmare John Marston
Undead Nightmare Abigail Marston
An especially vile and luminescent zombie
A horde storming through Blackwater
Townsfolk come face to face with the undead
A rather heavy set zombie lurking in the shadows
Preparing for a confrontation on the countryside
Marston has no qualms about shooting zombies
Viper Craven - Red Dead Rockstar Likeness Winner
Nuns with guns
...where the Jackalope roam...
Expert Hunter Outfit
Savvy Merchant Outfit
A mob of undead in Tall Trees
Taking a ladder to escape a small army of undead
Abigail Marston has seen better days
Marston approaches the graveyard in Blackwater
Marston dispenses justice on an approaching zombie
Undead Nightmare Woman logo

That's all for this week. If you've got any images, guides or downloads why not get registered and submit them? Don't forget to check out our forums for the latest Red Dead Redemption gameplay tips and tricks!