Eva in Peril

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Eva in Peril

Some ladies of the night are merely enslaved. Given the opportunity they could achieve a holier life.

Rewards: up to $7, +55 Fame, +15 Honor

Part 1

Break up a fight between a man and woman behind the building in Casa Madrugada. The man (Mario) tosses the woman (Eva) to the ground and continues to beat her. Eva is a prostitute and if you want her pimp Mario to stop you'll have to pay $200 for her.


Pay Mario the $200 for Eva's freedom. He'll count it and release her before walking away. Eva thanks you and says she will go to Las Hermanas where the nuns will help her. She walks off.

Part 2

Three days later go to Las Hermanas to check on Eva. Enter through the front and go straight back. A nun will say that Eva was here but taken away by a man. They may be going to Sepulcro. She also adds that Eva wasn't one for the truth.

Go down the road and over to Sepulcro. Mario is digging up a grave - with Eva's lifeless body in it. He denies that he would kill her (but admits he would hit her) and wonders if you want one last round with her. He won't say why he is digging her up and refuses to give a refund. Since you paid good money for her freedom the situation turns into a duel.

Mario should be an easy kill. One good headshot plus another mark should be enough to win. You cannot simply disarm him. His meter will only fill to approximately half. More dueling tips here. Once he's dead loot his body to get your money back plus some interest.


  • The first part is simple. Just pay the $200 for Eva's freedom. Note: You can actually follow Eva and watch her go up to her room to start packing.
  • For Part 2, talk to the nun and run over to Sepulcro. You can go direct over land to save a little time.
  • Win the duel as described above. Two good headshots should be plenty.
  • Quickly loot the body.