Red Dead Wins IGN Awards and CNET's #1 Game

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Some more awards going to Rockstar Games for Red Dead Redemption.

IGN has released their list of best everything for 2010. Red Dead Redemption took "Funniest Game" for the Xbox 360 and "Best Story" plus "Best Character" (John Marston) for the PlayStation 3 category. Scroll through all the consoles and categories here.

*Update* Anyone can vote for their own winner for each category. Simply go to, click on a console or other device, go through the categories, see the winner, and pick who you think should have won at the bottom!

CNET also proclaimed Red Dead Redemption their #1 Video Game release of 2010, standing above God of War III (#2) and Super Mario Galaxy 2 (#3). You can watch the video here.

And if you missed the comment in the previous article or our Twitter feed, the Times of London also named Red Dead Redemption their Game of the Year!
"One of the most, beautiful, complete and well rounded video games crafted, Red Dead Redemption is a master class in game design, gameplay, storyline, dialogue and attention to every detail imaginable"

More congrats to Rockstar Games!

If you find more awards and top lists, let us know! Thanks to our friends at Rockstar Network for finding these two! Join the discussions in our Red Dead Redemption forums!