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ArmadillosOdd little guys just trying to cover their butts in the Wild West.Locations: Desert areas. Around Armadillo, Ridgewood Farm, etc. Trading Post: Meat, Carapace (shell) |
BatsYou can see a colony of bats flying out into the sky at 6:00 PM in two locations.Locations: Above the basement entrance of Tumbleweed mansion or behind Thieves Landing blacksmith. Trading Post: Can't kill them |
BearsThe largest predator you will run into is the grizzly bear. Grizzlies are big, ferocious, and could kill you with one swipe of their paw.Locations: All over Tall Trees and sometimes near Beecher's Hope Trading Post: Fur, Meat, Claws, Teeth, Heart [More info] |
BeaversChomping trees and building dams. Find these creatures by streams.Locations: Near water along Southern West Elizabeth and northern snowy areas of Tall Trees. Trading Post: Fur, Meat |
BighornsPart of the sheep family, the large horns can be one-tenth of their body weight and worth a good price.Locations: Around the hills surrounding Tanner's Reach in Tall Trees and Manzanita Post. Trading Post: Meat, Skin, Horns |
BoarsThese hogs can provide a good amount of food. They're large but they can run pretty quick.Locations: Northeastern area of the map. Around Manzanita Post, South of Blackwater, and down into Thieves Landing. Trading Post: Skin, Meat, Tusks |
BobcatsSmall, agile, but just as deadly as their bigger cousins.Locations: South of Escalera, West of Agave Viejo, between El Presidio and Torquemada and also around Bearclaw Camp/Tall Trees. Trading Post: Fur, Meat, Claws |
BuffaloBison roamed the open plains. They make for a great deal of food but take some effort to be taken down unless you have the Buffalo Rifle at hand.Locations: The Great Plains Southwest of Blackwater. Trading Post: Skin, Meat, Horns [More info] |
CattleCattle are among the domesticated animals you will find.Locations: In and around farms. Random strays can be found out in open areas nearby. Trading Post: Meat, Hide |
ChickensYour average cluckers. There are also roosters to point at and say "haha, cock..."Locations: Most populated settlements. Trading Post: Feathers |
CougarsAlso known as mountain lions. They creep along trails waiting for a meal to wander by.Locations: Outside Blackwater, all around Silent Stead, near Fort Mercer, and in the snowy regon of Tall Trees. Trading Post: Meat, Pelt, Claws, Fangs [More info] |
CoyotesOne of two wild dog-like predators. You're typically safe on your horse, but not off it.Locations: Around Hanging Rock north of Armadillo, on the hills surrounding MacFarlane's Ranch, or other open desert areas. Trading Post: Pelt, Meat |
CrowsSmaller yet just as tough as scavangers like the vultures. A group of crows is called a "murder" for a reason.Locations: Thieves Landing, Manzanita Post, and other areas. Trading Post: Feathers |
DeerUsually quiet and out of the way from civilization. Bucks (males) have large antlers.Locations: Snowy region of Tall Trees, West of Armadillo, South of Thieves Landing, and other forested areas. Trading Post: Skin, Meat, Antlers |
DogsDomestic dogs can be found around some towns. There are many different types: Mexican Hairless Dog (top), Border Collie (bottom), a Husky, a Mutt, a Labrador, and another possibly a rottweiler.Locations: Most populated towns. Breeds vary. Trading Post: Fur, Meat |
DonkeysWatch your respect level crash and burn when you hop on this rugged beast of travel across the rocky territories.Locations: Nuevo Paraiso Trading Post: Hide, Meat |
DucksPonds provide a good place for these quacks to hang around.Locations: Around the edge of Lake Don Julio in southeast Cholla Springs and swamps west of Thieves Landing Trading Post: Feathers |
EaglesProud, majestic symbols of this great country exploding in the air from a gun shot to the head.Locations: Soaring in northern Tall Trees usually near snowy Nekoti Rock. Trading Post: Feathers |
ElkA little bigger and tougher than deer. Males have large antlers.Locations: North of Manzanita Post and in the snowy region of Tall Trees. Trading Post: Skin, Meat, Antlers [More info] |
FoxesSmall, quick, cunning and sly. Not too much worry for you, though.Locations: Tall Trees down into Beecher's Hope. Also check at the Wreck of the Serendipity. Trading Post: Fur, Meat |
GoatsIt was revealed that the goats from TBoGT Weasel News video were from Red Dead Redemption.Locations: Critchley's Ranch and inside the towns in Mexico. Trading Post: Meat |
HawksKeen-eyed flying killers that feed on smaller animals.Locations: The plains around Warthington Ranch, other open areas, Tall Trees. Trading Post: Feathers |
HorsesThe most obvious of animals in RDR is horses. There are three different wild horses for you to find over the course of the game for the achievement/trophy along with deeds for better ones having more speed and stamina.Locations: Kentucky Saddler: New Austin, Hungarian Half-bred: Nuevo Paraiso, American Standardbred: West Elizabeth. Buy deeds from general stores. Trading Post: Hide, Meat |
OwlsHootin' birds of the night. No threat to you but they can help creep you out in the dark.Locations: Around Nekoti Rock in Tall Trees, in Beecher's Hope and around Chuparosa. Trading Post: Feathers |
PigsThe domesticated boar. Best to have roasting over a fire.Locations: In the pen next to your room in Thieves Landing and Warthington Ranch Trading Post: Meat |
RabbitsLittle Bunny Foo Foo makes for a quick meal.Locations: Around MacFarlane's Ranch, dry areas such as the land around Armadillo, Tall Trees, and other locations. Trading Post: Meat |
RaccoonsCurious thieves of the night. Don't let their cute exterior fool you.Locations: Late at night look around the outskirts of Armadillo, Hennigan's Stead, Great Plains, and other places. Trading Post: Fur, Meat [More info] |
SeagullsFlying around the coastal shores, screeching their sweet songs.Locations: In Blackwater especially around the docks. Trading Post: Feathers |
SheepGood for clothing and other related things.Locations: In a pen in Armadillo next to the train tracks. Trading Post: Skin, Meat |
SkunksYou know them, you've smelled them, and now you can hunt them.Locations: Around Armadillo behind some of the shops late at night, Hennigan's Stead, and in Eastern Nuevo Paraiso. Trading Post: Fur, Meat |
SnakesBetter watch your step for rattlesnakes. They are all over.Locations: All open areas. Listen for the rattle sound. Trading Post: Skin [More info] |
SongbirdsSinging away with songs of "shoot me! I'm right here!" and similar banter. Small blue and yellow birds.Locations: Open areas with some trees such as Rio Bravo and Hennigan's Stead. Trading Post: Feathers |
VulturesAfter taking out a few enemies, vultures will appear to feast on your kills. Shoot them to start the Sharpshooter Challenge.Locations: Wherever you kill a bunch of people. Typically desert areas. Trading Post: Feathers [More info] |
WolvesThe second dog-like predator. Worse than coyotes because they are bigger and have no fear.Locations: South of Blackwater, North of MacFarlane's Ranch, Tall Trees, and also in Rio Del Lobo plus other areas. Trading Post: Pelt, Meat, Heart [More info] |