Lights, Camera, Action
A man wants to turn this dusty frontier into a movie-making powerhouse.
Rewards: $225 or more, +50 Fame, +100 Honor
Part 1
Speak to a man (MacKenna) in the rear of the Armadillo cinema. Right away it is obvious he's a lively fellow. He dismisses comments about his current surroundings and says that he will be building a new film studio as well as turn New Austin into the second center of the film industry (Hollywood's stake had only begun in recent years).
MacKenna says there is an old ranch north of Armadillo that should be up for grabs. The owner also happens to lose frequently at Liar's Dice. MacKenna wants the property but Marston is not so sure he can get it. MacKenna also mentions to look out for a famed movie gunslinger named Spatchcock around Benedict Point. The deranged actor believes he's the real deal so it would be helpful to get him back to work before he gets killed.
Head over to Thieves' Landing and enter the saloon. Sit down at the Liar's Dice table and take on the deed holder. You'll need to ante $200 but will make that back (and more) upon winning. There may be more than the deed holder at the table which can mean more money but also more challenges.
In Liar's Dice you need to guess how many dice show a certain number among your own dice and others at the table. You can say there are "at least" so many, say that someone else's guess is "spot on", or say that their guess is a "bluff". The guesses can be altered as each player takes their turn. Every wrong guess loses a player one die. A correct spot on guess means all other players lose a die too. The game is over when only one player has dice left.
When you win the game and the deed, head out to Benedict Point and find Spatchcock at the train station. He plays out a cliché gunslinger as expected and challenges you to a duel. Remember to only disarm him; not kill him. Killing him will result in a mission failure and you'll need to try again a day later. One shot to his shooting arm will end the duel in your favor.
After successfully disarming Spatchcock, return to MacKenna at the cinema. He'll take the deed and send you on your way with some extra cash.
Part 2
A week later in West Elizabeth, speak to McKenna who is sitting behind a building at the Pacific Union Railroad Camp. He says in a grand way that his plan failed. He lost all of his money for the studio, weather delayed production, and Spatchcock fled to Canada with his new love - a camera
man. MacKenna vows to press onward. The stranger mission is now complete.
- After talking with MacKenna, head to Thieves' Landing and play Liar's Dice. You should not have too much of an issue if the deed holder is alone. Note: It appears possible to win the deed mid-game with multiple opponents if you are able to force the deed holder to lose all of his dice.
- After winning the deed head to Benedict Point and disarm Spatchcock in a duel. One shot to the arm will win it. It can be anywhere on the arm.
- Return to MacKenna at the cinema.
- Talk to MacKenna at the Pacific Union Railroad Camp.