Who Are You to Judge?

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Who Are You to Judge?

A man is crazy about his love who was taken by bandits. He is grateful for any help and her return.

Rewards: +100 Honor

Part 1

Speak to a man (Jeb) in Rathskeller Fork. He's extremely upset because the love of his life was taken by gangsters from Tumbleweed. He pleads endlessly for help getting his love back.


Head down to Tumbleweed which is a gang hideout but may be inactive when you approach. Follow the red dotted line above to avoid enemies if needed. On the north side, find a woman with a horse near the roadway in a small old stable. When she's told that her man misses her dearly, she says her man was shot by lawmen a month ago. The confusion is cleared up when it's revealed that the horse, named Lucy, is Jeb's girl. The woman took the horse off him a week ago but agrees to return it to Jeb.

Head back to Rathskeller Fork with the woman and Lucy following. The woman laughs at your confusion and assumptions of Jeb's sanity during the ride. Once back in the village go over to Jeb. He's very thankful to have his girl back. As Jeb expresses his love, the woman comments that her father was similar with goats.


  • This stranger mission is easy.
  • Sneak into the area from the north to avoid enemies if needed. Speak to the woman and leave the way you came in.
  • You should be able to sprint back with no issues. If you get separated the woman will meet you at the entrance to the village.