4453 Days Ago
14030 ViewsThe Wronged Woman
A pregnant woman seeks support for her unborn child. She knows of a man who should have some money.
Rewards: up to +100 Fame
Part 1
Speak to a woman (Clara) praying in the Blackwater Chapel after 6 PM. After a small rant about being a disgraced woman, it is revealed that she used to be a nanny for a family in Blackwater. Clara says that she had a relationship with the father (Harold Thornton) and appears to have become pregnant from him. The wife threw Clara out and Harold turned to drinking. Clara would be very grateful to get even a little bit of money from Harold in order to put a roof over her baby's head.
Go down to the Blackwater Saloon to speak with Harold. He is found at the bar and does not know of Clara - although he remembers a servant girl named Sarah who moved up north. When questioned about his supposed secret relationship, he becomes defensive and wants to take it outside.
Walk outside and duel Harold. One or two headshots should be enough. Fill your meter higher than his and let the bullets fly.
More dueling tips here. When he's dead, loot his body to get $200. Bring the money back to Clara who is grateful but very upset that Harold died. She says he'll be buried in the family plot of the cemetery and that if she hurries she can attend the funeral. Clara walks off in tears.
Part 2
Two days later speak to a woman (Elizabeth Thornton) at Harold's grave. She's quite upset about her husband's passing. As far as she knows Harold's death was from him frequenting a gambling boat. She goes on to say that
whore Clara was laughing at the funeral but can't understand why. The world is a terrible place (more so because it appears Clara used you to kill an innocent man). Elizabeth walks off.
- It is possible to kill Harold after speaking with him in the saloon and before activating the duel. Only dueling will yield +50 Fame for his death.