4453 Days Ago
28757 ViewsThe Prohibitionist
The devil's drink is a source of argument. Now, a choice must be made between
black and
Rewards: up to $25, up to +50 Fame, up to +15 Honor,
Savvy Merchant Outfit scrap
NOTE: Depending on your choices below, you may want to purchase all available properties before completing this stranger mission.
Part 1
Speak to a man (Abner Forsyth) outside the Blackwater Saloon. He rants how booze is bad and that "they" are campaigning in Congress to save the nation from it. After getting an honest opinion about his preaching, Abner is prodded over his "moronic" beliefs. He insists he is right and that opposers are doomed. Doomed!
You are told to visit the seedier side of Blackwater over at the docks. Get to the marker and speak with a man (Oliver Philips) just inside an alleyway. He thinks he knows a little about you and Bill Williamson even when he's told he's got the wrong person. What he definitely knows is that you were talking to Abner - a pawn to get public intoxication outlawed and hurt bar owners like himself. Philips wants Abner dead.
You are now given the choice to warn or kill Abner. Go back over to him and choose. Hit the button to warn Abner or just aim and shoot -
making two men gunned down in front of the saloon. Each has benefits:
- Warn: Double price for all alcohol/rooms, up to $25, 5 Fame, 15 Honor
- Kill: Half price for all alcohol/rooms, up to $25, 50 Fame, -120 Honor
Rooms include purchasable property and rentals. If you warn him, he'll give you some money and run off. Whichever you choose, go back to Philips. If you warned Abner he will be angry and say that alcohol is now double the price for you. If you kill Abner he will give you some money and say you can get a drink in his bar whenever you want.
- Note: As stated at the top of this guide, consider the choices and take appropriate action.
- It is possible to get around the negative honor of killing Abner by using a bandana.