Bear One Another's Burdens |
Fastest Time: 7:24
Shot Accuracy: 75%
Number of Headshots: 7
Assist Ross and Fordham infiltrating Dutch's supposed hideout at an old riverboat. Unfortunately the gang is smarter than some think.
Rewards: +200 Fame, +25 Honor, High Power Pistol
You want that?
Walking into the Blackwater Police Station, John gets pointed upstairs by an occupied clerk. He finds Archer Fordham and begins questioning (as well as threatening) him angrily. Edgar Ross breaks it up by advising Marston how things on his end could be much worse. Williamson and Escuella have been taken care of but John's old leader Dutch van der Linde is still running around. They believe he is at a wrecked riverboat named Serendipity but want John to take him down. After that John will be free. As they head downstairs Ross gives John a new handgun.
On the way out an old friend is seen being brought in by a police officer. Nigel West Dickens is being charged with narcotics possession. Marston convinces Ross to have him released since he helped get Williamson. The request is met and they take off in an automobile.
Along the way to the wreck there is quite the discussion about John's status, his chance at
redemption for his past, as well as how the automobile and other machines are the future. Eventually Ross goes over the plan. They'll stop on the cliff overlooking the wreck. Marston and Fordham will go into the camp on foot while Ross keeps watch.
Finding Nastas
When the car stops get out and follow Fordham down the hill. You'll find old docks rotting away as well as the Serendipity but nobody can be found. Continue following Fordham to the boat. On the last section of dock a noise is heard. Fordham tells you to investigate. Find your way to the top of the boat. Go around the paddlewheel, up the stairs, down the side walkway, up the far set of stairs, and across the top level.
John finds a hostage with his head bagged. When the cover is removed Fordham says it's their informant named Nastas - a Native American. When asked what's going on, Nastas exclaims that it's a trap. He's too weak to stand so Marston must carry him. Some of Dutch's men are shown running up from the stairs.
Cowboy and Indians
Shoot the two enemies ahead of you. When they are dead move around the wheelhouse towards the stairs where another enemy is waiting. Kill him and go down to the right. Continue along the walkway and another lone enemy appears in the distance so kill him and go down the stairs to the paddle wheel.
There are plenty of enemies around the docks. Three are spread out ahead of you past the paddle wheel and three more are off to the right. Kill them all however you can. There are a couple small TNT crates around the docks but not all are easily shot. As you get onto the docks two more enemies appear from the far right shack. As you get to the middle of the docks another two appear from the shack on land. Kill them all and continue off the docks up the hill back to Ross.
Get Nastas to the car and John will put him in. All four men load up and head back to Blackwater. Fordham explains the situation to Ross as Marston provides commentary. Eventually the car breaks down in a cutscene. Fordham gets out to fix it as more of Dutch's men catch up. Ross and John will hold them off as Fordham gets the car going.
So much for the future
In the distance are eleven enemies with five of them on horseback. Use a sniper or other rifle to take them all down. Try to get the ones riding the horses first since they move quick and can be a pain. A few of the enemies will try to hide behind a wrecked wagon on the right side of the road. When they are all dead go back to the car if needed.
Fordham gets the car going again and the four men continue on to Blackwater. After trading more commentary Ross decides to take Nastas to Professor MacDougal. In the final cutscene they arrive at the professor's office. Ross tells John that MacDougal is an anthropologist that was kicked out of Yale for degeneracy. He's been interacting with the Natives and can help get information from Nastas. MacDougal comes from his office wondering what's happened. Marston hands off Nastas saying he was shot in the leg. With Nastas safely inside, Ross tells John to help MacDougal with anything he needs before walking away.
Gold Tips
- Trip skip and wait for the car to stop.
- Sprint down the cliff side and get to the dock. You'll get too far from Fordham so wait. As soon as the "accompany" message appears sprint across the docks and up to Nastas as described above.
- Quickly Dead-Eye/headshot the first two enemies, go around to get the third and quickly get down. The key to doing this whole part quickly is to keep moving and not stop.
- Keep moving along the walkway and headshot the enemy at the far end.
- Continue down the stairs and Dead-Eye/headshot the enemies on the far dock as you go around the paddle wheel.
- Dead-Eye/headshot the other three enemies on the dock and move towards land.
- Take out the two additional waves of enemies.
- Quickly run up the hill to the car. You can save time by going right up the side, not the path. Walk along the edge of the grass next to the tree.
- Quickly Dead-Eye/headshot the reinforcements after the car breaks down. Get the ones on horseback first. A sniper is good to get them early.
- Quickly get back to the car if needed (you shouldn't need to walk away in the first place).
Edgar Ross | Bear One Another's Burdens > Great Men Are Not Always Wise