5351 Days Ago
12061 ViewsPlaying online, you will come across challenges to be completed. Some of these challenges will unlock titles which act as bragging signs for everyone to see. Whether you unlock it by falling from a cliff or being a top player in a competitive match there are all sorts of titles for you to unlock and make you that stand out from the crowd.
Here is the list of titles available to you along with the requirements to unlock them. To see the challenges in-game, click on journal in the pause menu to see further requirements.
XP Level
Greenhorn - Reach level 1
Dude - Reach level 2
Pilgrim - Reach level 3
Tenderfoot - Reach level 4
Colt - Reach level 5
Mail-order cowboy - Reach level 6
Pistol - Reach level 7
Short horn - Reach level 8
Gringo - Reach level 9
Journeyman - Reach level 10
Cowboy - Reach level 11
Wrangler - Reach level 12
Burro - Reach level 13
Frontiersman - Reach level 14
Gristle heel - Reach level 15
Forty-niner - Reach level 16
Old timer - Reach level 17
Long horn - Reach level 18
Old hand - Reach level 19
Rustler - Reach level 20
Outlaw - Reach level 21
Gunslinger - Reach level 22
Shootist - Reach level 23
Quick draw - Reach level 24
Gun shark - Reach level 25
Badman - Reach level 26
Long raider - Reach level 27
Cabron - Reach level 28
Road agent - Reach level 29
Hold-up man - Reach level 30
Bandito - Reach level 31
Short-trigger man - Reach level 32
Hired killer - Reach level 33
Mercenary - Reach level 34
Deputized - Reach level 35
Ranger - Reach level 36
Marshall - Reach level 37
Judge & jury - Reach level 38
El Capitan - Reach level 39
Colonel - Reach level 40
General - Reach level 41
El jefe - Reach level 42
Searcher - Reach level 43
The kid - Reach level 44
The duke - Reach level 45
The ugly - Reach level 46
The bad - Reach level 47
The good - Reach level 48
The unforgiven - Reach level 49
The legend - Reach level 50
Bird watcher - Kill 5 flying birds
Exterminator - Kill 5 rabbits
Head hollower - Get 10 head shots on enemy AI
Mobile bird watcher - Kill 5 flying birds from a moving horse
Sharpshooter - Shoot 10 guns out of enemy’s hands
Stew brewer - Kill 5 deer
Conversationalist - Kill 5 coyotes
Wolf cryer - Kill 5 wolves, at least one with a knife
The mauled - Kill 5 cougars, at least one with a knife
Hunter - Kill 5 elk
Wild fever - Collect 6 wild feverfew, found in Hennigan’s Stead and Cholla Springs
Sage advisor - Collect 6 dessert sage found near Gaptooth Ridge
Sage Bleeder - Collect 4 red sage found near Rio Bravo
Raw Paws - Collect 8 prickly pears found near Punta Orgullo
Survivalist - Collect 7 Wooly Blue Curls found near Perdido
Cow lover - Complete Pike’s Basin gang hideout
Shining knight - Complete Fort Mercer gang hideout
Weed Wacker - Complete Tumbleweed gang hideout
Gold thief - Complete Gaptooth Breach gang hideout
Saphire - Complete Tesoro Azul gang hideout
Gemini - Complete Twin Rocks gang hideout
Exit wound, lawbringer - Complete Nosalida gang hideout
Half-A-Baby - Complete Solomon’s Folly gang hideout (PS3 only)
Outlaw - Become most wanted
On the run - Become most wanted 10 times
Career criminal - Become most wanted 50 times
Bandito - Gain a bounty of $500
Renegade - Gain a bounty of $1000
Enemy of the state - Gain a bounty of $5000
Running man - Stay alive for 3 min. with a posse after you
Fleeing felons - Stay alive for 5min. with a posse after you
Maniac militia member - Stay alive for 7 minutes with a posse after you
Mild bunch - Form a posse of 2 or more and all posse members must reach a bounty of $1000
Motley crew - Form a posse of 2 or more and all members must reach a bounty of $2500
Wild bunch - Form a posse of 2 or more and all members must reach a bounty of $5000
Deputy - Kill a public enemy player
Sheriff - Kill 5 public enemy players
Law dog - Kill 7 public enemy players
Yellowbelly - Get a kill streak of 3 while public enemy
Remorseless - Get a kill streak of 5 while public enemy
Public enemy #1 - Get a kill streak of 7 while public enemy
The coward - Kill a most wanted player why you are most wanted
Spartan survival - Kill 5 bears, at least one kill must be with a knife
Lycanthropist - Kill a unique wolf
Lord of the flies - Kill a unique giant boar
Cat ballyhoo - Kill a unique giant cougar
Master Hunter - Kill a unique giant bear
Hat trickster - Shoot 2 hats off two different people in 5 seconds
Hauty gunhand - Shoot someone's hat off and gun within 3 seconds
Bear starer - Kill a grizzly bear with a single head shot
Hat flyer - Shoot the hat off someone while riding a horse
Master sharpshooter - Kill any 3 different types of wildlife within 10 seconds of each other
Doc’s realization - Collect 8 butterfly weed, found near Diez Coronas
Sage Hoverer - Collect 10 hummingbird sage, found in and around all tall trees
Prairy Picker - Collect 12 prairie poppies, found in the Great Plains
Golden herbalist - Collect 15 golden currants, found in the Great Plains
Master survivalist - Collect 10 violet snowdrops, found in tall trees; then collect 2 more of every herb
Civil servant - Complete Pikes Basin and Twin Rocks without dying
Deputy Lawman - Complete Nosalida and Tesoro Azul without dying
Lucky lawbringer - Complete Tumbleweed and Fort Mercer without dying
Crimestopper - Complete Tesoro Azul with only throwing and melee weapons
No guns needed - Complete Gaptooth Breach with only throwing and melee weapons
Restless justice - Complete Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer, and Tumbleweed within 24hours
Master Lawbringer - Complete Pikes Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer, and Tumbleweed within 36 hours without dying
Immune lawbringer - Complete Gaptooth Breach and Solomon’s Folly without dying (PS3 Only)
Dirty Justice - Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon’s Folly, Tesoro Azul, and Nosalidia within 24 hours (PS3 Only)
Untouchable Gunslinger - Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon’s Folly, Tesoro Azul, and Nosalidia within 36 hours without dying (PS3 Only)
Weapon Skill
Repeated Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Repeater Carbine
Volcanic Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Volcanic Pistol
Winchester Wielder - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Winchester Repeater
Schofield Assassin - Get 100 Kills in Shootout or Bag Games & Get 100 Headshots in Shootout or Bag Games with the Schofield Revolver
Pump Action Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Pump Action Shotgun
Springfield Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with them Springfield Rifle
DYN-O-MITE! - Get 50 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Kill 3 enemies with a single stick of Dynamite
Double Death Dealer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Double Action Revolver
Sawed Off Shooter - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Sawed Off Shotgun
Rolling Block Bully - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Rolling Block Rifle
Pyro - Get 5 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games with Fire Bottles
Efficient Pyro - Kill 2 enemies with 1 Fire Bottle
Semi Auto Pistolero - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Semi Automatic Pistol
Semi Auto Shotgunner - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Semi-Automatic Shotgun
Carcano Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Carcano Rifle
Buffalo Butcher - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Buffalo Rifle
Henry Hurter - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Henry Repeater
High Powered Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the High Powered Pistol
Double-barreled Killer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Double-barreled Shotgun
Bolt Action Assassin - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Bolt Action Rifle
Evans Reaper - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Evans Repeater
LeMat Muertre - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the LeMat Revolver
Mauser Murderer - Get 100 kills in Shootouts or Bag Games & Get 100 headshots in Shootouts or Bag Games with the Mauser Pistol
Horseman Summoner - ???
Note - Completing all challenges for a weapon also unlocks a gold plated version of that weapon.
Still standing - Place top 3 in shootout 1 time
Good company - Place top 3 in shootout 5 times
Top of the crop - Place top 3 in shootout 20 times
A winner is… - MVP in shootout
Top of the pile - MVP in shootout 5 times
If it moves kill it - MVP in shootout 10 times
Gang lieutenant - Top 3 in gang shootout 1 time
Gang leader - Top 3 in gang shootout 5 times
Gang boss - Top 3 in gang shootout 20 times
Team player - MVP in gang shootout 1 time
Head of the class - MVP in gang shootout 5 times
First round draft - MVP in gang shootout 10 times
The “ike clanton” award - Highest score in gang shootout on the losing team
Set em up - Get a 3 kill streak in shootout
Knocked em down - Get a 5 kill streak in shootout
They kept coming - Get a 7 kill streak in shootout
Doing work - Get a 5 kill streak in gang shootout
Pulling their weight - Get a 10 kill streak in gang shootout
Just get outta the way - Get a 15 kill streak in gang shootout
Slasher - Get a 3 kill streak with a knife
Saved the Alamo - Get a 5 kill streak with a knife
Above you - Get a 3 kill streak while on a horse
Death from above - Get a 5 kill streak while on a horse
Wounded threat - Get 3 kills while near death
Rampage - Get a 10 kill streak in shootout
Outdoor enthusiast - Get a 20 kill streak in gang shootout
Star player - Get a 5:1 kill death ratio in shootout
Shooting star - Get a 5:1 kill death ratio in gang shootout
Bouncer - Get a 5:1 kill death ration in hold your own
Flawless - Complete a shootout without dying
In the closet - Complete a gang shootout without dying
The edge - Make the final kill in a match
The closer - Make the final kill in a match 5 times
Cliff hanger - Make the final kill in a match 20 times
Holds a grudge - Kill the same person that last killed you
Vindictive - Kill the same person that killed you last 3 times without dying
On life support - Get wounded to critical, but survive 5 times in a single life
Paste of revenge - Kill the horse of a player that last killed you
Circus trickster - Kill 1 enemy in midair
Hide and shoot - Kill 25 enemies while using cover
Shy guy - Kill 100 enemies while using cover
Aiming is overrated - Kill an enemy using blind fire from cover
Horseback fighter - Kill 10 enemies while on horseback
Mounted murderer - Kill 50 enemies while on horseback
Equestrian killer - Kill 100 enemies while on horseback
Package Delivered - Deliver 1 bag
Special Delivery - Deliver 15 bags
The guy in brown - Deliver 50 bags
Tasted it - Win a hold your own match
Held it - Win 5 hold your own matches
Touched it - Win 20 hold your own matches
Grabby hands - Grab 10 bags
Bag handler - Grab 25 bags
Dirty mitts - Grab 50 bags
Bag runner - Grab 75 bags
Grubby paws - Grab 100 bags
Put em down - Kill 5 enemy bag carriers
Held em down - Kill 25 enemy bag carriers
Kept em down - Kill 75 enemy bag carriers
Scout - Deliver 3 bags in one match
Runner - Deliver 5 bags in one match
Know your role - Deliver 7 bags in one match
Heavy lode - MVP in hold your own
Wide Lode - Highest score on losing team in hold your own
Bag stabber - Kill bag carrier with knife
Kept it secret - Deliver 1 bag
Kept it safe - Deliver 15 bags
Precious - Deliver 50 bags
Golden - Win a grab the bag match
Solid gold - Win 5 grab the bag matches
Midas touch - Win 20 grab the bag matches
Muckraker - Grab 10 bags
Sack lunch - Grab 25 bags
Kangaroo sack - Grab 50 bags
Team bagger - Grab 75 bags
Gang bagger - Grab 100 bags
Stopped a few - Kill 5 enemy bag carriers
Stopped a lot - Kill 25 enemy bag carriers
Stopped a ton - Kill 75 enemy bag carriers
Two to the chest - Delivered 2 bags in one match
The forsaken - Delivered 4 bags in one match
Gold dropper - Delivered 6 bags in one match
The miner - MVP in grab the bag
Carpetbagger - MVP on losing team in grab the bag
Delivery boy - Deliver 1 bag
Fleetfoot - Deliver 15 bags
Lode bearer - Deliver 50 bags
Golden boy - Deliver 100 bags
Forty-niner - Win 1 gold rush
Scrooge - Win 5 gold rushes
Oremonger - Win 20 gold rushes
Bagnabber - Grab 10 bags
Bagnabbit - Grab 25 bags
Bagmaster - Grab 50 bags
Sack toucher - Grab 75 bags
Proctologist - Grab 100 bags
Wanderer - Travel 100 miles on foot
Explorer - Travel 300 miles on horseback
Pioneer - Travel 250 miles on stagecoach
Cloudwalker - Fall to your death 100 times
Shotgun - Travel 250 miles riding shotgun
Bad driver - Run over 100 different people in a stagecoach
Trampler - Run over 100 different people with a horse
Dizzy - Roll 100 times
Good luck getting your titles, and have fun!