A Frenchman, a Welshman and an Irishman

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A Frenchman, a Welshman
and an Irishman

Fastest Time: 2:20
Shot Accuracy: 100%
Number of Headshots: 9
Save Irish and follow him to the supposed location of a machine gun. Take out the guards around a cabin to get inside.

Rewards: +100 Fame, +100 Honor


Irish is seen in very uncomfortable circumstances as he's repeatedly dunked into a trough of water inside a barn by two men named Welsh and French. John wanders in and asks what's going on. After Welsh tells John to leave, French explains that Irish had stolen a gun of theirs and tried to steal their horses. Irish defends himself by saying French is fooling Welsh to which French tells him to be quiet. John insists that the two men have their horses and that no one needs to die. Welsh and French continue to taunt John and end up trying to fight him.

You asked for it

When the cutscene ends, you are in control with Welsh and French in front of you. French tries to punch you while Welsh uses a knife. Kill them both and stand next to Irish if needed. Another cutscene shows a dazed Irish thanking you. He'll then tell you to follow him to a magnificent gun.


Again in control, hop onto your horse and follow Irish out of town. You'll learn a little about Irish's former friends on the way to the location.

Down the hill

When you reach the cliff overlooking a cabin, a short cutscene will show Irish telling you the gun is in the cabin and that he'll cover you from the ridge - leaving you to take out all the guards by yourself.

Go down the hill and when you get near the cabin, the six guards will spring into action. Kill them all. There are plenty of crates and other objects for them to hide behind but you shouldn't need cover for yourself. Once they are all dead, go to the front of the cabin (left side). As soon as you step near the porch the door will open and another guard will step out with a shotgun. Kill him too. Enter the shack to trigger the final cutscene where John finds nothing inside.

Gold Tips

  • As soon as you are in control at the barn, Dead-Eye and headshot French & Welsh or get close to perform an execution move.
  • Follow Irish to the gun location. Note: At the second-to-last turn (very bottom of route above) there is a break in the rocks allowing you to get up to the field. Once up, sprint to the cliff to trigger the cutscene.
  • When in control again sprint down towards the cabin on your horse. As soon as you are close, enter Dead-Eye (if you want) and headshot all 5 guards standing around before they move. You should be able to get all 5 in one Dead-Eye. The 6th will come from the cabin and needs to be killed separately while he hides behind cover.
  • Sprint to the cabin door and be ready for the final guard. Dead-Eye if necessary, headshot him, and enter the cabin.
  • If you miss a shot or headshot, simply fail by killing yourself and trying that part of the mission again.

Irish | A Frenchman, a Welshman and an Irishman > Man is Born Unto Trouble