Fastest Time: 6:40
Shot Accuracy: 50%
Number of Headshots: 16
Once again Irish claims he's found a machine gun - this time it's in a mine. Fight through miners all the way to the bottom and claim the prize.
Rewards: +300 Fame
Sloshed dream
John finds Irish passed out behind a building in Benedict Point, dreaming of a fair lady. After being kicked awake into a fit, Irish realizes it's just John - who wants to know where the machine gun is. Irish calms down and tells John he found one. After some memory jogging and more threats, Irish says he'll lead John to the gatling gun.
To the cave
Once in control run over to your horse and mount up. Follow Irish, who will explain that miners were talking about a gun stashed at Gaptooth Breach.
When you near the mine Irish says to go around the side so the miners do not see you both arrive. Continue to follow him over a small hill until he says to stop and a cutscene triggers. During the cutscene Irish lays out the plan for you to get the gun to the surface via a shaft while he hides your horses and gets a wagon. He then makes his exit - once again leaving you alone with two guards approaching on horseback.
Getting dirty
Take out the two guards and run into the camp. There will be about nine miners around the camp area outside the mine entrance. A few come from the far building and some from the main building. Most run to the mine entrance area and hide amongst the many tents, crates, and rocks. Take them all out and head inside the mine.
Make your way through the mine tunnel and take out all the miners along the way. Be careful of the TNT boxes scattered throughout and use them to your advantage if needed. There are nine miners in the tunnel and four at the bottom protecting the gun. Once the last miner is dead, a cinematic shows John checking the gun inside the mine cart.
Next, grab the cart and start pushing it along the tracks towards the way you came in. It will be a little slow until you reach the top of a hill and can then ride the cart down to the shaft room. When you reach the marker a cutscene will show Irish lifting John and the gun to the surface. Once at the top, Johns loads the gun into another cart and Irish says to meet him at the bottom of the hill.
Begin pushing the cart again. A miner will appear on your right. Kill him. Approaching the cliff, another will appear on your left as John hops onto the cart. Kill him too. Right as you get to the cliff a cinematic will show a miner preparing a barrel of TNT on the tracks ahead. Shoot the TNT before you get to it and continue to ride the mine cart along the track.
Upon reaching the marker at Irish, a cutscene shows John loading the gun onto the wagon and telling Irish to make sure it stays on. Irish rides off.
Gold Tips
- Follow Irish to the mine. You need to wait for him.
- Dead-Eye and headshot the guards and sprint into the camp.
- Sprint around the camp (towards the far building and then back to the entrance) while headshotting all the miners that appear.
- Quickly make your way down into the mine while getting as many headshots as you can. It's possible to sprint through the mine tunnel using Dead-Eye bursts or execution moves to get plenty of headshots in a very short period of time.
- Push the cart to the shaft room as quickly as possible.
- Push the cart to the bottom of the hill as quickly as possible while headshotting the two miners up top and blowing up the last. You should be able to ride the cart all the way to the marker.
A Frenchman, a Welshman and an Irishman < Man is Born Unto Trouble > On Shaky's Ground