At Home with Dutch

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At Home with Dutch

Fastest Time: 8:30
Shot Accuracy: 75%
Number of Headshots: 3
Nastas knows where Dutch and his gang are hiding so he leads the way in an effort to infiltrate the enemy base.

Rewards: +50 Fame, +25 Honor, Binoculars

The nutty professor

Professor MacDougal is doing some research as John enters the office. He ends up telling MacDougal about his heritage for research purposes. Eventually - after MacDougal offers John some cocaine - Nastas enters. Cutting around MacDougal's inability to see that Nastas has an education, Nastas says that Dutch van der Linde and his gang are up in the hills of Cochinay. He is also recruiting young men from the reservation Nastas belongs too and turning them into criminals too. Nastas will lead the way since he knows a way that isn't guarded.

Run to the hills

Get on your horse and follow Nastas with MacDougal. You'll hear plenty more of MacDougal's thoughts on savages and other human race "insights". Nastas will also provide social commentary about the white race. All along the ride and even during later parts of the mission you'll notice plenty of wildlife from buffalo to bears among others. It's a good time to check off some of the wild animals for the Unnatural Selection trophy/achievement. Follow Nastas all the way to the access point.

The group dismounts at the bottom of some cliffs. MacDougal chickens out since he's afraid of heights and leaves John & Nastas. Back in control, follow Nastas to the cliff. A cutscene shows Marston and Nastas using teamwork to climb up. Unfortunately a rickety overhang breaks so John is forced to find another way.

Jump onto the rock to the left and over to the gap. You'll notice a thin ridge going across. Grab on and move to the other side. Drop off and continue around to the next cliff. Climb up and go across the open area to meet with Nastas. He'll lead you up a hill and into an old mine shaft he thinks goes through. At the dead end a cutscene triggers. Nastas tells John to follow him back out but a miner surprises them. Nastas quickly kills him and shakes off his new cut.

Let the fun begin

Start walking out and dodge a cart full of lit explosives that enters the shaft. Run outside and you are met with three enemies around the shaft entrance. Take them all out and go back to Nastas. He's hurt and tells John to continue ahead. He'll catch up.

Go down the hill and back across the open area. Climb up three small cliffs, run right, and climb up another cliff. A bear will be waiting at the far end off to the left. Kill the bear however you can (a single throwing knife to the head works just fine). Continue up three more cliffs (go to the shorter ends) and run across to the right again. Hop up a small ledge and over to some mine cart tracks. When you jump down a cougar appears at the far end. Kill it and move forward. If you are quick you can get onto the next cliff before the cougar gets within reach of you.

Climb up various cliffs past some crows. Go left, make a small jump up and there is a bald eagle on the ledge. Continue on and climb up two last cliffs. A cutscene shows a lookout with binoculars at the far end. Silently kill him and grab his binoculars. With John looking through them, move the sight around to find Dutch in the camp below. He'll come from a tent to the left of the tower.

A cutscene shows Dutch exit the tent with a hostage that is promptly shot. He then takes a shot at John who gets knocked unconscious from the bullet striking the binoculars. He wakes up later in MacDougal's office. After getting the exit story straight, MacDougal says they need to meet with the Natives and "save" them. This causes Nastas to begin arguing with MacDougal as John leaves.

Gold Tips

  • Quickly mount your horse and follow Nastas.
  • Run to Nastas at the cliff.
  • Quickly make your way up the rocks, across the gap, and up a cliff. Then sprint past Nastas to the back of the mine shaft.
  • Sprint out of the shaft past the cart and then Dead-Eye/headshot the three enemies. Stay at the shaft entrance where Nastas stops.
  • Sprint across the open area and make your way all the way up the mountain as described above. Use a throwing knife to headshot the bear easily and either headshot the cougar or sprint to the cliff before it gets you. If you drop down to the lower rock but not all the way, you can trigger the cougar but stay out of reach.
  • Run about halfway to the lookout and then sneak up closer. Use a throwing knife for a quiet distance shot. If you are good you can headshot him while running.
  • Sprint over and grab the binoculars. Look at the tent to the left of the tower and wait.

Harold MacDougal | At Home with Dutch > For Purely Scientific Purposes