Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane

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Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane

Fastest Time: 6:14
Shot Accuracy: 90%
Number of Headshots: 7
Bonnie has been kidnapped and it's up to John and the marshals to get her back before time - and Bonnie's oxygen - runs out.

Rewards: +200 Fame

The blame game

Drew MacFarlane is seen in Marshal Johnson's office talking about that government boy knowing something he doesn't. Marston enters and Drew begins questioning him about where Bonnie is. John hasn't seen her since the barn fire and right as the marshal calms Drew down, a voice calls from outside. A gang member is shown on his horse as he greets the occupants of the office. A long conversation reveals they want to trade Norman Deek (still held prisoner from an earlier mission) for Bonnie in Tumbleweed. After another threat and a pleasant goodbye, the gang member rides off and Marston tells Drew he'll get his daughter back. The marshal and Jonah get Norman from his cell.

Lynching hot spot

Mount your horse and follow the marshals. They talk about how the federal government is only making things worse, how Norman Deek is Bill Williamson's right-hand man (Norm will make threats and poke fun at John along the way), a little information about Tumbleweed including its popularity for lynchings, and finally about rules and laws.


After crossing the old wooden bridge into Tumbleweed, a cutscene will show the marshal telling John to make the exchange in the center of town. He also says to be careful since they may not play fair. John says Norman will be his shield.

Not fair!

In control, start walking with Norman towards the three gang members while he taunts you about Bonnie. If he stops, simply walk into him and John will give Norman a shove. The marshals will be walking behind you. You may notice something (or someone) on top of the church during your walk. When you meet the gang members, John will ask where Bonnie is and say they had a deal. The gang members will say they don't make deals with the law and bullets will begin to fly.

Take out the three gang members in front of you and the one on top of the church. Norman Deek will be killed in the cross fire. Start heading into town where Bonnie is, killing enemies along the way. When you get to the buildings a cutscene will show a gang member kicking out the stool under Bonnie - who is now hanging from the noose around her neck. Continue fighting your way towards her. There are about 10 enemies hiding around the town including on roofs and three more will run in from the left when you get close to the center.

The last part of the mission can play out a few different ways:
  • Kill all the enemies and then get to Bonnie to cut her loose.
  • Shoot the rope while killing the enemies, and then get to her afterward.
  • Get to Bonnie early to cut her loose, kill the rest of the enemies, and then return to her.
You should be able to do the first one but if you are having trouble with the enemies then do the other two before she dies. In any case you'll need to finish off the enemies. The last two remaining will give up and run away. After they are all dead or no longer hostile, go to Bonnie.

The final cutscene will show John cutting the rope around Bonnie's hands and helping her up. Although badly beaten and gasping for air, she'll thank you and continue the friendly insults, refusing to lower herself with an "all tied up" joke. She'll go catch a ride with the marshal as John ponders before shrugging.

Gold Tips

  • Follow the marshals to Tumbleweed.
  • When you reach the last turn before the bridge, sprint ahead across the bridge.
  • Easiest way to move Norman Deek is to simply keep back a little or walk to the side. He usually won't stop when doing this.
  • Stand to the left at the exchange and right after "We don't make deals with the Law", Dead-Eye and headshot the 3 gang members.
  • Use Dead-Eye bursts to headshot the enemy on the church and the ones around town. There is plenty of cover if needed - all the enemies will be using it.
  • Instead of waiting for enemies to pop their heads out or wasting ammo against their cover, simply run around to the side and kill them.
  • You should be able to kill all the enemies before getting to Bonnie. Note: not shooting the rope will save accuracy and also time.

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit < Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane > The Assault on Fort Mercer