Landon Ricketts Rides Again |
Fastest Time: 9:45
Shot Accuracy: 80%
Number of Headshots: 15
Landon heads out to rescue a part of his extended Mexican family with John coming along for support. The Mexican Army puts up a good fight, though.
Rewards: +125 Fame, +50 Honor
I got that
Ricketts is seen talking with a man and welcomes Marston over. Landon says the man, named Emilio, knows of an Escuella but he's not sure if it is the person John is looking for. Landon also says that Emilio's sister is being held. After a somewhat heated discussion about life choices, they head out.
To the slaughterhouse
Walk with Ricketts outside. He'll tell you that he is taking the train and you can join him or ride to El Matadero on your own. Taking the train will give you a trip skip option. During the walk to the train Landon will tell Marston some of the rumors he's heard about John. The train will take you and Landon to Casa Madrugada. From there you both will grab horses outside the station and ride the rest of the way to El Matadero. On the way Ricketts will say he needs to find Carlos who should be able to help get Luisa, Emilio's sister. He also notes that she is a teacher and close to the rebel leader named Reyes.
For whichever option you take, make your way to the slaughterhouse in El Matadero (Ricketts will be waiting for you if you traveled by horse). Walk inside and to the left to see Carlos. A short cutscene shows Carlos carving meat. Landon asks if Luisa is still being held in the caves. Carlos says yes and that he will distract the guards so Landon and John can get inside.
Slipping in
Walk with Carlos and Landon around to the cave. You are instructed to wait in cover behind a rock while Carlos distracts the guards. You can either wait with Landon or run in ahead of Carlos. The distraction involves Carlos insulting the guards and running away with them chasing him. After they run off, Landon will say to move in and run into the caves. If you choose to run in ahead, you will need to take out the two guards as well as 3 additional army soldiers running out of the caves.
In the first big room of the caves you are faced with two soldiers ahead of you behind crates and three more to the right. Kill them. Go to the right and four soldiers will run in - two from the left and two from the right. Kill them too. Keep running with Landon towards the left where two soldiers will meet you. One will run out in front of you and the other will take cover behind the wall on the left. Shoot them. In the last room there are two soldiers ahead of you behind crates and two more around the corner to the right. Take them all out.
When you reach the cell at the end, a cutscene will show Landon assuming Luisa is behind a large door and that he'll blow it up. He wants Marston to keep guard in case more soldiers show up. Walk back into the adjacent room and wait for the reinforcements. There will be two waves of two soldiers each. Make quick work of them and return to Landon. Another cutscene will show the door being blown and Landon will get Luisa from inside.
Slipping out
With Luisa rescued, escort Landon out of the caves. Around the first turn two soldiers will run out. Kill them. Ahead, in the first room, there are two soldiers hiding behind crates. Another is towards the exit. Take them out.
Note: There is a chest with some money in front of a crate before you enter the room.
Outside of the cave there are three horses waiting, thanks to Carlos. If you want your own horse you can whistle for it. Landon will get Luisa onto one and mount up. Ride out before more soldiers show up. Do not get too far ahead of Ricketts.
Around the first turn there will be a soldier hiding behind a rock on the left. Kill him and another is ahead of you up high on the cliff edge. Kill him too. Around the next turn is two more waiting behind cover, one on each side of the road. Take them out. Up ahead is a lone soldier hiding behind a rock. Shoot him. Next there are two or three soldiers up high on the right-hand ridge. If there are two, one will be just past them on the left down low. Kill them all. After a short break two enemies will appear ahead of you with one on each cliff. Kill them and there will be one last enemy at the camp outside of the small cliffs. You know what to do.
Wait for Landon to catch up and then for Carlos to appear. Once he does, the final cutscene shows Landon asking a thankful Luisa if Javier Escuella was one of the men holding her. She doesn't believe so but heard the name from bad people in prison. Marston says he'll have to keep looking in Mexico as Luisa mounts Carlos's horse. They all ride off.
Gold Tips
- Sprint to the train, enter the passenger car, and trip skip.
- At Casa Madrugada, get on a horse and follow Landon to El Matadero.
- After you enter the village (through entrance structure thing) sprint ahead of Landon to the slaughterhouse, dismount, and sprint inside to the left.
- After the cutscene, sprint around to the cave and run in. Use Dead-Eye bursts to headshot as many enemies as possible. Make your way to the end and wait for Landon to catch up to trigger the cutscene.
- When you are told to cover Landon, simply move into the adjacent room and Dead-Eye/headshot the four enemies that appear. Then return to the crate Landon is behind.
- After blowing the door, run ahead and Dead-Eye/headshot enemies on the way out.
- Wait for Landon to exit and mount up with him. If you want your own horse, whistle for it early.
- Ride ahead of Landon to take out the enemies behind rocks and along the cliffs. Again use Dead-Eye bursts for headshots. Do not get too far ahead of Landon.
The Gunslinger's Tragedy < Landon Ricketts Rides Again > Lucky in Love