The Gates of El Presidio

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The Gates of El Presidio

Fastest Time: 5:20
Shot Accuracy: 40%
Number of Headshots: 22
Abraham Reyes finally finds out where Javier Escuella is hiding and takes John to him. You'll need to get through an army, though.

Rewards: +350 Fame, +125 Honor, can find Bolt Action Rifles

Children look away

Marston wanders into the house at Agave Viejo only to find Reyes doing the dirty with a random girl on a table. After John makes himself known the girl runs off. John asks Reyes about Luisa - including her talk of them getting married - but Reyes laughs it off saying peasants believe anything as well as other "compliments" for Luisa.

Getting down to another business, Reyes says he has a present for John: the man he is looking for. They head out.

More fun back at El Presidio

Ride shotgun with Reyes towards El Presidio. He is certain that Escuella is there but is not so sure about Williamson. They discuss plenty more about Javier and John's past plus the fate of Mexico including the rise of Reyes. Eventually they reach the outskirts of El Presidio. Reyes says John will guide a wagon of TNT to the entrance and jump off before the impact. He thinks the fuse is long enough and slaps the horse.

With the wagon racing towards the fort, guide the horses and keep them up to speed without making them tired. Near the entrance you are told to jump off so do that. If the horses are aimed near the gates a cinematic shows it smashing and exploding. With the gates blown open the rebels head in past the Mexican Army welcoming committee with John and Reyes behind them.

Back in control, you need to fight through the enemy soldiers and find where Escuella is. There are three locations to check out. The first is a tower on the right. The second is the largest tower on the left. The third is inside the building middle-left - this is where Escuella is. Go left past the rebels and up the stairs. Take out the enemies up on the balcony and any others you need to.


The Mexican Army is all over the place with unlimited soldiers coming from the three locations to check out (except whichever one you are standing near). There are snipers at the top of the two towers. A good place to go is the large tower. I grab the sniper up there and hop down to the lower balcony. The enemy soldiers seem to not notice you while you have a good look at all of them below.

Enter the building along the back and go up the inner stairs to the door. A cutscene shows Marston entering with his gun drawn as Escuella looks for a way out. They discuss some things but Escuella ends up escaping with a quick push of a crate.

Chase after Escuella by hopping up and out the same window. Hop down off the balcony and turn around. Escuella goes out the back gate and grabs the nearest horse. If you are quick you can lasso him as he tries to get away. If not either shoot him, his horse, or grab another horse to give chase. You can bring him back dead or alive. Either way get him to the jail cells near that back gate. There are a few more enemy soldiers around the fort if you need additional headshots. With Escuella safely contained, Reyes says more soldiers are coming so they take action.

Reinforcements go boom

Up next to the big tower, follow Reyes but keep going through the tower out the other side. Climb up the next small tower where a cannon is. Man the cannon and wait for the reinforcements. There are four waves alternating three soldiers on horseback and then a wagon of six. Shoot a cannonball at each wave to wipe them out before they get to the fort. If a couple on horseback make it through the rebels should be able to take care of them. Keep in mind the cannonball takes time to travel and the wagons are a little slower. When they are all dead hop down and go back to the jail cell.

John grabs Escuella with Reyes watching and takes him all the way to the US border where the federal agents from the beginning of the game are waiting. If he's dead they'll complain but it doesn't really matter. They tell John he still needs to get Williamson and then go to Blackwater because Dutch van der Linde is supposedly nearby. They ride off in their car.

Gold Tips

  • Quickly take the shotgun position on the wagon. Trip Skip.
  • Guide the wagon towards the gate without making the horses tired. Hop off when you are told too.
  • Either run around getting 22 headshots or go straight to the middle question mark if you want to make multiple runs (don't need too, plenty of time). You can go from the lower (right) tower to the higher tower to get all 22 with ease while you run around the upper walkway.
  • With Escuella running, quickly hop up and out the window. *While he climbs out, switch to the lasso and aim for a second so John draws it*. Hop off the balcony and turn around. If you are quick Escuella is in front of you for an easy lasso. If he gets on a horse, switch to a gun and take out the horse (or headshot him if you wish).
  • Quickly bring Escuella to the jail cell.
  • Sprint to the cannon tower and climb up to get on the cannon.
  • Shoot the reinforcements. Either wait for them to get close or aim ahead towards the bend. I found a sweet-spot aiming along the left side of the road and just under the cliff line. It's actually possible to aim over the hill to the left and kill them much earlier.
  • With all the reinforcements dead, jump off the tower to avoid the animation and hop down the roof. Then hop off the balcony right next to the stairs and walk towards the jail cell.

The Great Mexican Train Robbery < The Gates of El Presidio > An Appointed Time