Fastest Time: 3:04
Shot Accuracy: 90%
Number of Headshots: 8
Colonel Allende says that Williamson and Escuella have been captured and are being held in Chuparosa... or so he says.
Rewards: +300 Fame, +50 Honor, Can win up to $75
Good news, everyone!
Marston is greeted by De Santa who says Allende wants to speak with him. They walk over as Allende attempts to court an unwilling lady in his own special way, to which she runs off. After making John feel welcome, he says he has
quite wonderful news: Williamson and Escuella have been captured in Chuparosa. Marston is to go with De Santa to take possession of them - Allende's gift to John for all his hard work. They are both told to get going as Allende calls out to his fleeing woman.
Tension climbing
De Santa has a wagon waiting with some soldier escorts. Go over to the wagon and ride shotgun. You have the option to trip skip but waiting out the ride will give you opportunities to win money from a shooting game by De Santa, who says it will help John relax. You'll be instructed to shoot the most wildlife with only five shots, playing against the army soldiers. Winning will give you $25 and there is time for three rounds ($75 total). It is quite easy to win and know that your win may not be recorded right away but after a certain period of time.
The conversation along the way also provides some interesting discussions about Mexico, the rebels, Allende, and John. You may notice some allusions by De Santa that will come into play soon. Eventually the wagon will stop outside the entrance of Chuparosa and all dismount. De Santa will tell Marston they are in the church (
as good a place, as any, to judge a man, wouldn't you say?) and that he'll be right behind him.
Go to the church in the back-right next to the fountain and walk through the doors to trigger a cutscene. It will show John walking to the main seating area and looking around for Williamson and Escuella. De Santa thanks him for his service as a soldier knocks John unconscious with his rifle.
Turning tables
John wakes up with his hands bound behind his back (Note: he is handcuffed in the cutscene but has ropes afterward) and a few Mexican soldiers holding him up. De Santa is facing him, saying that he betrayed the land and will meet God as one of the soldiers puts a pistol to John's head. Suddenly, the soldier's face explodes in blood. Abraham Reyes is shown with a rifle on a balcony telling John to escape and come to him to be cut free.
In control of Marston, run through the bullets and fire bottles to Reyes at the "Posada" (inn) which has stairs to the balcony behind it. Make your way up the steps and a cutscene will show Reyes cutting the ropes off John's hands while saying he's lucky he came when he did. Marston will then say they are even.
Returning the favor
Run down the stairs as Reyes tells you to find your weapons. They are in a crate marked with a green blip next to the fountain. Run into the middle of the fire fight and open the crate to get your weapons back. You probably won't get hit so don't worry. The enemies are all over the building marked "Alcalde" (mayor). There are four enemy soldiers along the bottom and four up top. Kill each one however you wish and proceed to the entrance. You do not need to worry about the higher ones as the rebels will get most, if not all, of them. In the middle of this you are told to kill Captain Espinoza who is hiding inside.
As soon as you get near the doors an enemy will be running out from the stairs inside. Kill him and start up the stairs where another soldier will be waiting at the top. Take him out and get to the second floor. If there are still enemies on the balcony you can take care of them (they may run inside at you too). If not, go into the back room where Captain Espinoza and another soldier are waiting. They will exchange some words unless you're quick and blow their heads off before they even breathe in.
The final cutscene shows Reyes delivering a speech to his fellow rebels that the evil Allende regime will come to an end. John looks on as Reyes works the crowd into a "Mexico!" chant and walks off.
Gold Tips
- Sprint to the wagon and trip skip.
- Quickly dismount the wagon and sprint into the church.
- Run to Reyes and then sprint to the weapon crate.
- Dead-Eye/headshot the four lower soldiers and sprint inside. NOTE: if you want to go for time only, after being told about Captain Espinoza you can run around to the left and climb up the sloped roof via the crates. Then you will have access to Espinoza and killing him will end the mission.
- Going inside the building, headshot the first enemy on your way in and get your sights on the head of the enemy up the stairs for another.
- Clear the balcony if you want or are able and then go to the back room to Dead-Eye/headshot the soldier and Captain Espinoza.
Mexican Caesar < Cowards Die Many Times | Vincente de Santa