Father Abraham

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Father Abraham

Fastest Time: 3:30
Shot Accuracy: 75%
Number of Headshots: 4
Luisa pleads for assistance in taking out an army supply convoy. Dynamite should work just fine.

Rewards: +250 Fame, +125 Honor

No pissing zone

Marston finds a nice spot to relieve himself behind some rocks. Unfortunately some rebel guards appear and treat him as a trespasser by removing his weapons at gun point. They take him into the small camp where Luisa is waiting. She apologizes for the guards but says things are getting dangerous. She explains that her father was captured and killed for treason yesterday. She wants to avenge his death any way possible. John is reluctant to get involved since he has his own problems but Luisa begs him endlessly.

Luisa says the rebels are close to victory and Allende is aware so he is sending in reinforcements. Abraham Reyes wants John to help take out the reinforcements before they get to Escalera via ambush. She persuades John further and he agrees to help since she no longer has a family in Mexico.

Location, location, location

Run to the wagon and ride shotgun with Luisa. You'll be able to Trip Skip the ride. There is a nice long discussion about Mexico, revolutions, and other history along the way. We also learn a little more about John's family. She'll take you near a rail bridge going into the US where rebels are waiting along the road. She tells John to assist the rebels in placement of dynamite charges and that he'll be manning the detonator afterward. Luisa will be keeping a look out on top of the hill.


In control of Marston, walk around and tell the rebels where to place dynamite by pressing the appropriate button at the spot. There are five bundles to place. How you place the dynamite is up to you. You can spread them out along the road or across it. I like to stagger them across the road and at least one off the road on the northern side to cover the whole thing. There is a distance limit away from the bridge which ends right before a large rock next to the road. If you want to go along the road, sprint out to the rock to place the first and work your way back - leaving about 7 or 8 paces between each placement.

You'll be able to detonate them one at a time unless they are placed too close together. You can also scroll through each to pick what one you want to blow up. The selected one will have a bright white shine for you to see. This is all in the next part.

Bing bang boom

After placing them all, run up the hill to Frontera Bridge where Luisa is waiting. The rebels will hide behind rocks. Ready the detonator to trigger the cutscene of the convoy making its way towards you. There are two wagons with four guards each (ten total). The objective is to not let the wagons get through. Wait for the first wagon to reach the dynamite and blow it. The shooting will begin and you'll need to blow up the second wagon which hopefully goes over another dynamite placement. You can use the dynamite to blow up the other guards as well.

After both wagons are obliterated, finish off any remaining soldiers. The rebels will probably get them all. In the final cutscene Luisa will thank John and say her father would be proud. She'll be waiting at Campo Mirada and hopes to return this favor.

Gold Tips

  • Sprint to the wagon and ride shotgun. Trip skip.
  • Quickly place the dynamite however you wish. I like to spread them out across the road as a type of road block.
  • Sprint up the hill to Luisa and ready the detonator.
  • Get off the detonator. If you have sniper ammunition, equip your sniper rifle. A regular rifle should be fine too but you may not want to get off the detonator just yet.
    • Using a sniper rifle, wait for the whole convoy to come around the bend into view. Headshot the wagon drivers and whoever else you can using Dead-Eye.
    • If you're using a rifle, use the dynamite to blow up the first wagon and then get off the detonator. Wait for the second wagon to come within reach of your rifle and take out the driver along with whoever else you can. Dead-Eye/headshot them all.
  • If you use the dynamite for both wagons, Dead-Eye/headshot whoever is left. Be advised the rebels are good shots so you may not make the headshot requirement this way.

Must a Savior Die? < Father Abraham > Captain De Santa's Downfall