We Shall Be Together in Paradise |
Fastest Time: 8:50
Shot Accuracy: 67%
Number of Headshots: 4
Marston gives chase as Bill Williamson flees deep into Mexico. Only problem entering the country is more "friends" of Irish.
Rewards: Springfield Rifle, +200 Fame
Thanks for all the fish
Marston finds Irish and West Dickens at a small pier in Brittlebrush Trawl. Nigel wishes John well as Irish says that he is loved down there and has many friends. All they need to do is cross the river to
paradise. Marston isn't so confident in him. Dickens says his goodbyes and that he's off to
London or Paris or maybe Peking. John tells him not to get killed but Nigel says men like him
are revered and given medals in the civilized world. They part ways.
¡Bienvenidos a México! ¡Ahora volver a casa!
With you and Irish aboard, the raft begins its journey across the river. You are free to walk around and won't fall off. Marston comments how Irish missed the action once again at Fort Mercer but Irish gives a good excuse for his tardiness. Two-thirds of the way across Irish spots a bandit on the Mexican pier and cuts the rope leading the raft. The fight is on! If you haven't done so already, grab ammo and the Springfield Rifle lying on the crates. You can reload whenever necessary.

You are initially confronted with three enemies. A lone woman runs down the pier shooting while two others hide behind rocks on both sides. Kill them. If you are having trouble with the two cowards, they'll get on horses and chase you along the river's edge making it a lot easier. There are also multiple enemies farther down the shore. Two sets of two enemies on foot will appear and run behind rocks and then two enemies on horseback will ride along the shore after. There is a little indent of the coastline where two additional enemies will hide behind rocks farther in. Kill each and every one. High up on the next cliff there is an enemy throwing dynamite at you. Shoot him or the crate nearby to make him fly through the air. Now take a quick breather.
As you come around the cliff, three enemies will appear running along the shore. If you aren't quick, they'll hide behind rocks. Next there is an enemy on the slope of the hill just beyond the previous guys. Getting past that, three enemies on horseback will come running down from the higher road in the back and get off along the cliff. There is an additional enemy on foot running along the road too. After you take them all out, four more horseback enemies will appear from the higher road behind you. They ride along the cliff and go past you. Those and two more enemies will be hiding behind rocks along a somewhat straight stretch. Carefully pick them off as you ride down the river. Now enjoy a longer break while Irish (aka "The Cat") does some explaining.
Irish Cruises continues
Farther down the river three enemies run out along a cliff. Kill them. Three enemies appear high on the hill towards the left and come down into cover (arrow in picture) while another runs along the very top to the edge of the cliff on the right. Pick them off. Another enemy with dynamite will appear at the end of the cliff where the previous guy runs to. Again there is a crate to blow up which will take out both enemies at once. Short rest.
As you come around, three enemies run across a cliff into cover. Pick them off and farther down the river is another dynamite thrower with a crate next to him. You know what to do.
Around another cliff face and three more enemies run out into cover behind rocks. Be quick. An additional enemy is above them on the next level of the rock formation. A little farther down is another enemy higher up. This guy can be
very accurate from a distance. Once he's dead it's break time.
Farther down the river, this time you are met by a dynamite thrower first. Hit him or the crate - which can be tricky to see with this guy. Past him on top of the rock formation are four enemies. Three are hiding behind rocks on the right and one runs to the dynamite guy's position [now] to the left. Pick them off and enjoy the last stretch...
As the current takes you and Irish towards the beach, two final enemies come out of the bushes. They'll stop and stand at the water's edge making easy headshots. When they're dead, dismount the raft and walk into the marker (don't go towards the river or you'll drown).
So far away...
Marston and Irish find the horses of the fallen bandits on shore. Irish "inspects" them as John asks where he's going. Irish thinks hard and comes up with two contacts. One is an American man in Chuparosa and the other is the provincial governor in Escalera. Irish barely remembers them due to his state of mind the last time he was in Mexico. The two say their goodbyes and Irish rides off for the last time.
The cutscene ends and John mounts his new horse. "Far Away" by Jose Gonzalez will play out as you ride around this new frontier.
Gold Tips
- On the raft, get ammo first and then the gun. This gives you more starting ammo as the crate only refills you at 27 or less bullets (4/23) and the gun itself comes with ammo.
- You are unable to leave the raft until the end so don't worry about falling off.
- Use Dead-Eye bursts to headshot enemies all along the river when needed. There are many times you can see the enemies running before they get into cover.
- Recharge Dead-Eye by not using it when not necessary. Headshots will increase it faster. The enemies on horseback usually come close to you as they ride by for easy shots.
- All dynamite throwers have a crate next to them. The enemy may show up before the crate does but it is always there.
- Refill your ammo during the breaks between enemy waves. The crate keeps you at 4/33 max.
- If you are quick to kill all the enemies, the game will actually speed up the raft a little during the breaks. You may notice a "warp" of the screen for a split second during the transitions.
On Shaky's Ground < We Shall Be Together in Paradise > | Irish