â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Try to make amends with an old rival
- Catch Lenny in the act
- Don't get arrested
A Quiet Time
Micah got pinched in Strawberry and Lenny almost died. The gang will get Micah out but first Lenny needs to calm his nerves. A quick trip to the saloon should do the trick.
Rewards: None
Lynch mob
Dutch and Molly are in their tent. Dutch says it feels like they are getting back on their feet. Hosea is working on a buyer for the bonds. He doesn't know when they'll be able to go back west. Arthur feels like they are being hunted out of extinction but Dutch isn't worried about the federal agents.
Lenny comes riding in yelling that Micah was arrested in Strawberry for murder. He's going to be hung and Lenny almost was too. Arthur sees that as a positive. Dutch actually likes him but can't go since his face is everywhere. Dutch convinces Arthur to rescue Micah. He also tells him to take Lenny into Valentine to relax with drinks. Arthur likes that idea better.
Ride to the Valentine
saloon with Lenny. Him and Micah were supposed to be scouting but Micah got drunk and killed a guy. Typical Micah. Lenny was going to be hung right away but managed to escape. Arthur will go get Micah later but for now they'll get a few drinks. Arthur mentions
the fight he had at the saloon but everything should be cool. Arriving at the saloon go to the
Get it started
Lean on the bar and Lenny joins you. Just one or two drinks. The bartender doesn't want any trouble but Arthur buys him a drink of his own. Take drinks while Lenny talks about Micah knowing too many people. A drunk next to Arthur begins rambling on and won't be quiet. Charm or threaten him. Either option gets him to walk away so Arthur and Lenny can talk "business".
With that matter settled Arthur and Lenny begin drinking shots and more beer. Arthur soaks in the piano but loses Lenny. Call out to Lenny or ask people in the bar where he went. You might come across
Tommy who Arthur apologizes to. Tommy mumbles while eating food. He hasn't quite recovered yet. Continue searching for Lenny upstairs. He's near the front balcony attempting to balance a glass on his head.
Gif-tacular exploits
When that fails Arthur and Lenny drink more. Arthur loses Lenny again so ask around or follow the commotion at the bar. Stumble down and Arthur confronts two men chasing Lenny. Just when a brawl appears imminent, we cut to a line of drunks dancing in step.
A little later Arthur is taking a piss out behind the saloon. The camera is now in first-person view. Move him back into the bar and find Lenny in the
saloon. Attempting to ask people becomes a garbled mess and Arthur sees everyone as Lenny until they speak. Make your way back upstairs and to the left. In a back room you find "Lenny"
getting busy with a lady Lenny. All three scream as Arthur runs out.
Continue roaming around talking to at least five people that look like Lenny until Lenny finds you. The men start smacking each other and you can join the fun. They end up back at the bar and the drunk from earlier walks up. Arthur takes him outside and begins dunking him in water. You have the option to dunk and then drown him. If not he'll break free and stumble off. If you attempt it Arthur will try a few times but fail.
Party poopers
Arthur and Lenny have fun in the streets until the law shows up. The drunk you attempted to drown points you out. They tackle Lenny but Arthur runs. You are in control of a stumbling Arthur who dodges posts and lawmen before heading towards a fence. You are told to jump it but the button is blurred on the screen until the last second. If you make it Arthur will run off. If you fail Arthur falls and passes out.
Making the jump, Arthur wakes up outside of town in the grass near Flatneck Station. Not again. He throws up as you are put in control of a wobbly moron.
Failing the jump, Lenny wakes Arthur up in the jail. The sheriff deputy tells them drunken violence is not allowed but Arthur denies it. Lenny ends up paying their bail and they go free. Outside Lenny throws up and asks if that's Arthur's version of a "quiet" drink. At least it took his mind off Micah. Lenny rides off and Arthur takes a seat, still wobbly.
Gold Tips
- There is no time objective so enjoy the shenanigans.
- When first searching for Lenny, find Tommy in the middle of the saloon towards the right. You need to have the full conversation with him.
- To catch Lenny in the act, wait until Arthur sees all Lennys and then go upstairs to the back-left room. It's the only room door that opens. This portion of the mission ends when you talk to 5 Lennys around the saloon so make sure to catch the act before that. You can catch the actual guy and gal earlier in the mission while searching for Lenny.
- Hop the fence when being chased by lawmen to avoid arrest.