Paying a Social Call

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  • Silently kill 4 O'Driscolls
  • Get 12 headshots
  • Complete with at least 80% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Paying a Social Call

Kieran is ready to talk and tells Dutch where Colm O'Driscoll is hiding. Dutch's men set out to find the camp and put Colm in the ground.

Rewards: Throwing Knives, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Loot


Kieran is tied up to a tree at the edge of camp. Arthur tries to get him to spill information on the O'Driscolls but he won't. Dutch says Bill can solve that. Idle threats won't work so how about castration instead? Bill runs to get gelding tongs and Dutch gets Kieran in proper attire. With the tongs - and Bill - fired up they try one more time to get information. Valuing his assets, Kieran says Colm and the O'Driscolls are at Six Point Cabin. He'll take them there. Arthur, Bill, and John will go.

Mount your horse and follow John who has Kieran. Bill mentions he put throwing knives in Arthur's saddle bag. Good to know. You can ask Bill or John questions if you like. Otherwise Kieran will mention how Dutch killed Colm's brother which is why Colm killed Dutch's girl. Coming up to a steep hill Kieran says both gangs are the same. John explains Colm is a killer but Dutch is a teacher. Hopefully Colm is at the cabin so they can end years of fighting. They are going to sneak in.

Kieran points out a spot on a hill to dismount. The game reminds you to set your loadout using weapons from your horse since you can't take them all with you. Bill reminds you about the throwing knives. Set your weapons and follow Kieran. As they approach the camp three O'Driscolls return from a failed hunting trip. One stops to urinate and the others wait nearby. Arthur wants to move up but what about the pisser? Choose to go or send Bill.

Shake it off

Make your choice and take out the O'Driscoll in a quiet manner - or don't. Whatever your choice the first one is down. Assuming it was a stealth kill the other two are next. You have the choice to kill them at range or get up close for a takedown. Bill assists. When they are dead keep moving. John left Kieran up the hill since he shouldn't be an issue.


Arriving at the camp there are O'Driscolls everywhere. Six are scattered around and five are by the campfire towards the right with women. The first is sitting on a log ahead. Send John or take him yourself. When he's down you can send in the gang or lead the way. Sending the gang results in John yelling hello and the gunfight begins.

If you lead and keep things quiet, the next closest O'Driscoll is on the left. He's almost facing you so don't get too close. Another is patrolling back and forth and can spot you are the body of this one sitting so be careful. When the one sitting is dead take down the patrol. One more loner is at the southwest side of the cabin. Pick him off. The last two outcasts are facing each other guarding the entrance to the camp and one will alert the others as soon as you make a kill. There is no way to get assistance from John or Bill until the guns start blazing.

When the rest of the O'Driscolls are alerted it's game on. Help your gang defeat the remaining army of O'Driscolls. They'll use cover and move around to flank you. Your fellow gang members may get caught in a struggle so help them out. When the ones from the camp are almost defeated six more O'Driscolls will return through the trees around you. Wipe them out. The last one will flee so either kill him or let him go.

Knock, knock

When the fight is won they need to find Colm. Search the cabin. The others will loot the bodies. Arthur opens the door and gets surprised by a rifle-wielding man. He tries to take aim but gets shot by Kieran. Arthur thanks Kieran and checks the cabin. No Colm. Arthur thinks Kieran set them up. He swears Colm was here.

Arthur tells him to go but Kieran won't last in the wilderness alone. They're stuck with him. To earn his keep Kieran tells them to check the chimney for cash. Arthur will take a look and the others head back to camp. Search the cabin and loot what you can. Above the fireplace is a Double-Barreled Shotgun. Take it and the game will walk you through how to clean it. After that search the chimney. With the money in hand the mission is complete. Loot what you can before the law finds you.

Gold Tips

  • There is no time objective so take it easy throughout. Sneak around and line up your shots.
  • Taking the lead each time will allow you to silently kill up to 7 O'Driscolls
  • Note that if you go for the first O'Driscoll (pisser), do not kill him while he is talking or else the other two will be alerted. Bill will not have an issue.
  • The seven silent kills can all be headshots. The bow is great for this. Sparing the last silent kill, you can also try to line up around 3 headshots at the campfire using Dead Eye. One O'Driscoll has a woman on his lap and another opposite him is sitting on the ground. There is also one standing a little away from the fire. Otherwise take your time and wait for O'Driscolls to peak their heads out from behind cover.
  • Conserve Dead Eye by aiming high, activate Dead-Eye, come down to the head, shoot, deactivate.
  • To increase your accuracy count, use a pistol and aim for non-lethal hits before going for the head. If you have extra Dead Eye you can paint their arms and then head.