Blessed are the Meek?

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  • While escaping, kill all mounted Lawman within 55 seconds
  • Get 15 headshots
  • Complete with at least 70% accuracy
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Blessed are the Meek?

Arthur goes to get Micah out of jail in Strawberry. It might be a small tourist town but the lawmen can still put up a good fight. Luckily Micah is a maniac with guns.

Rewards: Off-Hand Holster (dual wield)

Blow out

Arriving at Strawberry you can begin this mission two ways: Go talk to the Sheriff or follow the calls from someone around back. Speaking to the Sheriff, Arthur pretends to be a bounty hunter wanting to take a look at the boys they arrested recently. The Sheriff doesn't budge and tells Arthur he can have a look when they get hung. Arthur takes the hint and walks out. Outside he hears Micah yelling. Go down by some logs to find him.

At the back of the jailhouse Micah is at the window. Greet or antagonize him. Arthur isn't sure if he wants to free him since he's been running his mouth the past six months. Micah finally convinces him and you are told to free Micah. Micah mentions dynamite which is a quick and easy option to use if you want. If not that, he tells you about the steam donkey across the alley. Walk over and follow the prompts to connect the hook to the cell window. Then use the lever to rip the window out.

Paint the town red

However you open the wall up, Micah exits and Arthur gives him a gun. Micah immediately shoots the other guy attempting to escape. He was an O'Driscoll. Arthur takes cover as three lawmen exit above. You are told to put your bandana on. As you take down the lawmen two more arrive on a wagon towards the right. Kill them and Micah will start running across the bridge to the right. He has unfinished business to take care of. Follow Micah.


Over the bridge a lawman on horseback rides up and three more are behind him finding cover. Kill them and Micah goes left. Four lawmen await with one coming out of the double doors on the right. When they are dead two more lawmen come across the next bridge followed by a second wave of the same. With all of them dead Micah goes up to the house next to the creek. He yells for Skinny to get out. Norman answers the door and gets shot. Micah then runs inside to see Maddy. Gunshots are heard. Micah exits and says they had his guns.

Continuing across the bridge three lawmen are waiting on the ground plus one each on the post office porch and hotel balcony. Kill them and keep moving. Up the road are two lawmen near your horses. When they are dead mount up and follow Micah.

Long arms

As you leave two mounted lawmen come across the bridge. Wipe them out. Outside Strawberry Micah leaves the road and two more on horseback appear on the left. After killing them he heads back towards the road but two more appear. Take them out. Around the bend another two are waiting at the intersection. When they are dead Micah says they need to get away.

The heat subsides and Arthur tries to get an answer for all of this. The house call in the middle of the escape was because Micah loves his guns. Him and Skinny did a bank job down south but it didn't end well. Skinny was going to let him hang. Arthur reminds Micah he owes a lot of people for this including Lenny. He'll get to them.

Arriving near a homestead it looks like they are free. Micah gives Arthur his holster as a thank you. Arthur still isn't pleased with the gang's jester. No matter their mistakes, they are brothers. Sons of Dutch. Micah is going to stay at his camp near Strawberry until he can bring Dutch a peace offering. He rides off.

The holster given allows Arthur to dual wield sidearms. You are also reminded that Strawberry is on lockdown with extra lawmen looking for you, should you return before clearing your bounty.

Gold Tips

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy. Use cover and aim for headshots.
  • Conserve Dead Eye by using quick bursts while aiming for the head.
  • Micah will actually take down quite a few lawmen but you can keep ahead of him to get your kill count and accuracy up. While he is dealing with Skinny/Norman you can cross the bridge and the next waves will appear for you to shoot.
  • If you want extra accuracy points hit non-lethal parts such as arms or torso.
  • After mounting your horse, kill the mounted lawmen as quickly as possible. Each set slows Micah down. If you have enough headshots Micah will likely dispose of them pretty quickly for you. You should be able to take down the last set before Micah gets to them.