We Loved Once and True - III

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  • Peacefully convince the Chelonians to let you take Jamie
  • Return Jamie to Mary within 2 minutes

We Loved Once and True - III

Promising to help Mary, Arthur attempts to bring Jamie back. With Jamie's head full of spiritual nonsense that won't be too easy.

Rewards: None

Note: This is an optional mission but will show in the Rockstar Games Social Club as missing if not done. It will automatically fill in after completing the game's story.

The rescue

Arthur finds a group of worshippers all wearing the same outfits on top of a rock overlooking the Heartlands. He greets them but they back up towards the edge to form a shell of safety. Approach the Chelonians. Arthur tells Jamie he was sent by Mary.

The leader says Jamie has chosen a path of safety and asks what path Arthur has taken. Choose an undecided or impatient response for the Chelonian master. Undecided goes through religious nonsense and can end with threats. Impatient has Arthur attempt to take Jamie. If things go sour you end up having to take down the Chelonian master. Keeping the peace will convince the Chelonian master to let Arthur speak to Jamie. No matter how you get to it, the end result is Jamie getting mad. He grabs a horse and flees. Chase after Jamie.


He runs down the hill and across the landscape. Arthur attempts yelling to him but to no avail. Jamie will even threaten Arthur with a gun. After going through a farm and herd of cattle a train cuts between them. Jamie stops and tells Arthur to leave him be. He's not going to listen to an outlaw. With the train gone Jamie fires a pistol. His horse gets scared and runs.

The return

Jamie says he doesn't want to live anymore. As he moves the gun towards his head you are told to take aim. Disarm Jamie by shooting his gun to stop him. If you don't, Jamie shoots and the mission fails. Note the game gives you some wonky instructions. Quickly aim for the gun and Arthur will fire. With a successful disarm Jamie breaks down and agrees to go to his sister.

Ride back to Mary at the Valentine train station. During the ride they discuss Jamie and Mary's father. Neither has the best opinion of him but Jamie says his father was right that he wouldn't amount to much. Arthur disagrees. Jamie asks if Arthur still rides with Dutch and Hosea. He does. Annabelle and Bessie? They're dead. Maybe Mary made the right choice. Mary's husband Barry Linton is dead but Arthur won't be getting back together with her. This was just a favor.

At the train station go inside to find Mary in the corner. She's glad to see Jamie and convinces him to come home. She thanks Arthur who helps them to the train. Mary tries one last time to say something but Arthur will never change. The train takes off. Writing in his journal later Arthur describes how Mary confuses and plays him like a fiddle. He doesn't want to make a fool of himself again but probably will.

Gold Tips

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy when speaking to the Chelonian master and chasing Jamie. You won't catch him anyway.
  • Peacefully speak with the Chelonian master by choosing Uncertain then Purpose when prompted.
  • Follow the route in purple above to return Jamie to Mary which uses the train tracks as a shortcut. When you get to the train station take your horse up onto the platform from the tracks. Dismount and go to the door to trigger the cutscene.