Exit Pursued by a Huge Ego

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  • Track the bear within 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Shoot the bear at least 6 times
  • Complete within 12 minutes

Exit Pursued by a Huge Ego

Hosea spotted a large bear in the mountains of Grizzlies East. He could use an extra hand and needs to drop off a horse in town while they are at it.

Rewards: New horse(s), stable access, Legendary Animal Map

It was THIS big

Hosea wants to go hunting for a massive bear he saw. It'll take a couple days to make the trip but Arthur could use a break. Arthur still misses his old horse and Hosea needs to get rid of this extra shire he acquired off some loud mouth. Hosea says they'll go to Valentine and trade in the shire for a new horse of Arthur's choice.

Take the saddle off of your horse and place it on the new horse. This is now your main horse. The other will remain as a reserve if needed or you wish to switch back. Follow Hosea to Valentine. They'll talk about a previous town they were in and the people they had lost. Mac, Davey, and Jenny who was apparently of interest to Lenny. Hosea hasn't sold the bonds yet but that needs to be done right.

Hosea will mention how to calm your horse while riding if needed. Arriving in Valentine take your horse into the stable. Hosea tells you to sell this one and buy another. He's going to the general store to get items for the bear hunt. Inside the stable the dealer talks with Arthur. This horse has no papers so he can't give a full amount but he knows someone looking for a horse like this. Arthur is told to look around.


Sell or stable the horse. Stable is similar to a garage for horses. After deciding pick a new horse. There are a few to choose from with different stats and colors. Pick one and you are offered additional services such as saddles and hair styles. You can also purchase care items.

Make your selections and Arthur will adjust the saddle. The dealer gives him papers, a free grooming brush, and treats. Back in control you are leading the horse while Hosea returns. Arthur is happy. Stop leading and mount your horse. They have a long ride ahead.

Follow Hosea. They are going to a lake out past Cumberland Falls. Arthur is surprised to be going back to the mountains but this time they are doing the chasing. Arthur explains he is still a little upset that John ditched the gang for a year. Hosea says John is sorry and wants to move on. Arthur reminds him that John was raised by the gang and knows the code so he shouldn't act like Trelawny.


As night falls they reach the lake. You can ask Hosea about Sean or Micah. Down a ridge Hosea spots a few rabbits. They should make a good quick meal. Arthur will get one. Hosea tells him not to use anything too powerful or it'll ruin the meat. A bow or Varmint Rifle should suffice.

Hunt a rabbit using the techniques previously taught. When you kill one pick it up and return to Hosea. He'll tell Arthur it's getting late and to set up camp. Follow the prompts to select your camp fire at set it up somewhere in the highlighted area. Sitting by the fire Arthur is hungry. Hosea tells him to cook the rabbit. Do so and take a bite. Hosea doesn't want any. When you are done Hosea wants to get some rest and hunt the bear at dawn. Put Arthur to sleep until morning.

Follow the fish crumbs

Arthur wakes up to Hosea making coffee. The plan is to use bait to draw out the bear. They'll stay on the ground for a better shot. Arthur is given fish and berries to mix together for bait. Follow the prompts to craft Potent Predator Bait. When you're done tear down the camp. Get on your horse and follow Hosea.

Once again the conversation is about horses and past loves. Hosea was around here a while ago with his love Bessie. He tried getting out of the criminal life but couldn't stay out. Bessie knew who he was. They tried to make it work. Hopefully Dutch's plan goes through and they can all get out. Down near the lake Hosea wants to look for any signs of the bear. You are told you have entered Legendary Animal territory. Use Eagle Eye to look for clues.


Clues are shown with a sparkling yellow mist above them. Inspect a clue to see the scent trail. Track the trail to get a direction the bear went. You'll come across another clue so do the same. Follow the clues and trails. Eventually the trail ends. Hosea asks Arthur if they should split up or place the bait. Your choice.

Gonna need a bigger horse

If you choose bait, you'll need to throw the bag down by some large stones. Do so and go hide behind some rocks with Hosea. After a short wait an impatient Hosea thinks something is wrong with the bait. Follow Hosea and inspect the bait. As they are crouched down the bear appears.

If you choose to split up, Hosea will go northwest and you are told to go up the hill northeast. Use Eagle Eye to pick up another trail to follow. Inspect the clue and a gunshot is heard. Hosea yells for help. Run to Hosea who is being chased down by the bear.

When the bear has Arthur in sight it'll rear up and roar before charging you. You are put in control as Dead Eye activates. Paint targets on the bear and fire. You won't kill it but the bear will run off back up the hill. Return to Hosea who isn't necessarily hurt but needs to recoup. He's too old for this. Hosea gives Arthur a map he acquired from someone. It will show where large animals are.

Arthur saved Hosea's life. Hosea is heading back to camp and asks if Arthur is staying here to keep hunting or going back too. The choice is yours. If you stay, simply continue the hunt - or don't. Hosea will see you back at camp. If going back to camp a quick cutscene will return you both there. Hosea thanks Arthur again and says he needs to check a lead in Emerald Ranch. He rides off.

Gold Tips

  • Get through the prompts for the saddle and stable as quickly as possible. If replaying the mission your choices won't matter.
  • As soon as you see the rabbits, shoot one and pick it up. No need to do the whole hunting process.
  • Get through the prompts for the rabbit and bait as quickly as possible.
  • Inspect the first clue and enter Eagle Eye for the trail. Track this one to unlock the next clue. You do not need to track the others. Use Eagle Eye if needed to find each clue and inspect it. Run between them. After the third (dung) just run out to the fork in the pass.
  • Place the bait as soon as possible and run to the rocks with Hosea. You only need to stand next to him.
  • Inspect the bait as quickly as possible.
  • The 6 shots on the bear do not need to be in Dead Eye. You'll only paint a few in the first burst. Use it again to paint a few more if needed to get 6 shots on it.
  • Quickly run back to Hosea.