Who is Not Without Sin

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  • Win 2 hands of poker
  • Return Reverend to camp within 2 minutes 5 seconds

Who is Not Without Sin

Someone is losing faith both in this land and their life. Reverend Swanson needs a little help navigating his current situation.

Rewards: Loot, Gambler Challenge

Cards against humanity

Reverend Swanson is found playing cards at Flatneck Station. He took Arthur's advice to move away from his dreams and apparently closer to drinks instead. The other players want the inebriated Swanson to finish the game but Arthur will have to take his place. Choose whether to play poker or walk away. If you choose to play Arthur will take a seat. The game will walk you through how to play. Play hands or leave as you wish. If you or another player loses all of their money the game will end.

After declining or exiting the game, Swanson is missing. Arthur walks out to find him. Search the area and find Reverend Swanson. You can ask the gentlemen nearby if they've seen him which will narrow down the highlighted area. You'll find him near the cliffs to the south. He's having a little trouble with a man. Arthur breaks it up.


Fend off the attacker. However you go about it you'll end up killing him but someone watched you do it. Chase down the witness. How you handle him is up to you. Kill him or yell for him to stop. You can also shoot his feet to slow him down for a tackle. When he stops you can threaten, rob, and/or antagonize as you wish.


With that matter settled, Arthur looks up to see Reverend Swanson on the railroad bridge. Go to him. Thinking he's about to jump Arthur calls out for him to stop. Upon reaching him his foot is stuck between the ties. Move next to him and help him get free as a train approaches from the other side of the bridge.

With barely a second to spare the train roars by as Arthur and Swanson dodge to the side. They get off the bridge and Swanson attempts to flee again but Arthur is having none of it. Swanson is so drunk he didn't even realize there was a train. He passes out. Pick up Reverend Swanson and return him to Horseshoe Overlook. Back at camp drop him in his bed. Ms. Grimshaw will look after him. Arthur says he was lucky.

Gold Tips

  • You will get lucky on the first hand but after that it is random. You'll need to actually think about your cards in order to win at that point.
  • There is no overall time objective so play poker as much as you like to win at least twice.
  • Do not waste time getting Swanson on your horse and back to camp. You do not need to hitch your horse and can ride a little past the hitching posts before the horse will go extremely slow. As you dismount you can select to remove Swanson from the back so Arthur will do it as soon as he's on his feet. Go straight to the bed and drop him when told to.