Fatherhood and Other Dreams - II

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  • Catch the wagon and take it to the secluded spot within 1 minute 45 seconds
  • Take Mary to the theater

Fatherhood and Other Dreams - II

Finding Mary at the hotel, she wants Arthur to help with her father who is getting worse. He's beginning to pawn items that may not even be his.

Rewards: None

Note: This is an optional mission but will show in the Rockstar Games Social Club as missing if not done. It will automatically fill in after completing the game's story.

Daddy issues

Mary calls down to Arthur from the balcony. She is excited to see him again and rushes to the street. The problem this time is her father. Arthur begins to walk away since him and the father do not get along. Mary tries to reason her father's disliking of an outlaw. Arthur responds that he's a drunk with issues of his own. Both calm down. Mary says she loved Arthur. Maybe they were too young. She asks Arthur to help. Accept or decline. If you decline Mary wishes Arthur well and goes back inside the hotel.

Accepting to help, Mary tells Arthur her father was going to stables in the warehouse district. Mary says she should've run away with Arthur years ago but can't elaborate. Both get on Arthur's horse. Ride to the stables. Mary says her father has been getting worse with drinking, gambling, and pawning items. Arriving at the stables both dismount. Go over to the door with Mary. She wants to proceed alone to see what mood he is in.

Tortoise vs hare

While standing around a young man sweeping tells Arthur to leave. Arthur doesn't take so kindly to his remarks. As he threatens him, Mary and her father exit. Not a good mood. The father tells Mary to leave and stumbles off. Back in control, follow Mr. Gillis at Mary's request. She'll follow too. Do not get too close or else he'll spot you. Make your way through different alleyways with Arthur offering comments at every step.

Eventually Mr. Gillis stops to sell a brooch to a man named Ashton. Mary says it was her mother's. Even Mr. Gillis says it's a family heirloom. Mary tells Arthur it was left to her and confronts her father. He sees Arthur and doesn't have much good to say. Mary will stay here and Arthur will get the brooch. Chase after the buyer. When you get to the street Arthur yells to him and Ashton bolts. He jumps on a wagon that takes off. Luckily, there are horses nearby you can borrow. One is next to Arthur with its owner. Stealing this one may give negative honor. Up near the wagon is another horse with no one around.


Catch up as the wagon leaves St. Denis and enters the swamps. When you get close enough jump on it. Move Arthur to the front and he'll toss one driver off. The other will take the hint. With the reigns in hand, drive the wagon to a secluded spot in the swamps. Stop in the highlighted area and Arthur dismounts. You are told to get the brooch from the buyer in the back. Pull him out. He'll sell it back to Arthur for $100. Buy it or beat Ashton until he gives it up. He runs off saying someone will pay for this.

Back to business

With the brooch in hand, return it to Mary who is still in the alley. Grab the wagon or horse from it and cinematics will take you back to her. Arthur finds Mary alone. She doesn't know where her father is but doesn't want Arthur to go after him again. Arthur walks her to the trolley. He gives her the brooch. Mary stops to ask if Arthur wants to go to the theater. Accept or decline. If you decline they continue to the trolley.

Accepting, cutscenes bring you to a vaudeville show. You have the option to cheer or antagonize the acts. Exit whenever you wish. Outside the theater Arthur continues their walk to the trolley. Mary asks if it's too late for them. Arthur says he's a wanted man and doesn't want her wrapped up in it all. Mary tells him to run away with her right now. Arthur can't, or at least not until the gang is free. Soon. Mary says she'll write to Arthur and gets on the streetcar. She departs.

Gold Tips

  • There is no overall time objective so take it easy outside of the wagon chase. Stay with Mary while following Mr. Gillis to avoid detection.
  • When Ashton runs, grab the horse on the left to chase him. It has decent stamina (as well as the other horse up the street) but keep an eye on it.
  • Stay on the road behind the wagon.
  • Jump on the wagon when able and move up about halfway on the side. Wait until you are close to the secluded spot (prior to the pond) before going the rest of the way to clear the drivers out. Note that if you pass the first spot shown above, you'll be sent to another spot even further away.
  • Quickly drive to the secluded spot.
  • Accept the invite to the theater. You do not need to stay.