Money Lending and Other Sins - I & II

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  • There is no medal or replay for this mission

Money Lending and Other Sins - I & II

Leopold Strauss has been busy lending money to people in the area. A few are behind but that's okay. The gang will get its money one way or another.

Rewards: Ledger, Loot

Note: This is shown as Part I and it is assumed returning the debt and the ledger activity are Part II.

The collector

Strauss is found at the edge of camp. He has a book full of names they've been lending money to. Some of them can't keep up with the payments. He gives Arthur a list of names and tells him not to kill any of them. Put the debts in the camp's box. Arthur will see what he can do.

You can look over the document if you wish. It can also be found in your satchel. On your map are the three debtors: Mr. Wrobel, Chick Matthews, and Lilly Millet. Go to the highlighted areas to find them. You only need one to complete the mission. The other two are optional.


Mr. Wrobel

Mr. Wrobel can be found in is home at Painted Sky not far from the camp. He doesn't speak English so Arthur has a little trouble getting through to him. After bringing up Leopold Strauss and the money owed all of a sudden Wrobel can speak the language a little. It's been a bad winter but Arthur doesn't want to hear about it. He tosses Wrobel to the floor and wants to know where the money is.

You are told to beat up the debtor. Options are given to threaten or beat him. Threatening him returns to a language barrier so that's no use. After a few punches he tells Arthur to take valuables instead. Loot the house. Open cabinets and drawers to find items of value. You can use Eagle Eye to spot them if needed. Wrobel himself is blocking something of value. Once you collect enough to cover the debt you are told to leave. Either return the debt to the camp funds or go to the next.

Chick Matthews

Chick Matthews is found at Guthrie Farm near Emerald Ranch. A farm hand can be found in a stable with a horse but will point you over to another man sitting nearby. Questioning that gentleman it is revealed the farm hand is actually Chick. He takes off on horseback.

Chase the debtor. He'll ride north up a creek. You are told to use the lasso to take him alive. Catch up and do so - or use other means to stop him if you wish. When captured Chick will offer you a map to the debt he owes. Arthur takes it and Chick scurries off. View Chick's Treasure Map which can also be found in your satchel. There is a partial map with pictures of a tree that has a hole in it. A location is also now marked on your map. Go to the area and search the tree. The debt is found inside. Either return the debt to the camp funds or go to the next.

Lilly Millet

Lilly Millet is found in Emerald Ranch. Most of the people around have no idea who she is but a gentleman on the porch of the main house points you over to the store at the north end. Lilly is arguing with a man about money. Confront her and she'll send the man - Cooper - after Arthur. A fight breaks out.

Beat up Cooper. When he's down and out Lilly says he has all the money. Loot Cooper to recover the debt. Lilly is upset and walks away. Nearby a witness sees you. Chase him down and have your way with him or ride off. Either return the debt to the camp funds or go to the next.

All in

Back in the camp Susan Grimshaw relays a message from Hosea to Arthur. He's setting something up in Emerald Ranch so meet him over there whenever Arthur can. Go to the camp funds and "give all debt". The camp gets most of it and Arthur takes a small cut. Next go into the ledger and purchase an upgrade for the camp. There are numerous things to buy from supply storage to equipment. Upgrading Dutch's tent will inspire others to contribute more to the fund. If buying more than the camp can afford, the balance will come from Arthur's pocket.

After buying something Strauss comes over. He tells Arthur there is another debtor of interest nearby named Mr. Downes. Arthur knows of him. Strauss tried being nice so Arthur will need to up the game. No money? Beat him. Arthur usually does. The mission is now over but you can still collect the other debts from the list if you wish. This mission has no medals or replay.

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