The First Shall be Last

online TreeFittyactivity 2299 Days Agoreddeadredemption2views 4291 Views
  • Silently kill the Bounty Hunters by the river with Javier
  • Shoot the rope to free Sean
  • Get 10 headshots
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

The First Shall be Last

Sean is being held by bounty hunters but they should be in the process of transferring him to the federal agents. Time to intervene and get their friend back.

Rewards: Tomahawk, Loot

Short voyage

Arthur finds Javier and Charles on a hill at the edge of Blackwater. Using binoculars they are looking for Sean MacGuire at the camp down below. Trelawny arrives and tells them Sean is being moved up the river and then to a prison out west. They need to rescue him now. Ike Skelding, the bounty hunter that has Sean, is taking him to a camp north of here to hand him off to the federal agents. Charles is sent to the north and the rest will come up from behind.

Get on your horse and go find the boat. Trelawny reminds you that there are Pinkertons all over the place down here so be careful. Arriving in the area they spot the boat moving upriver. Follow Trelawny. He tells you not to pull out your guns until they know Sean is on it. Act natural so the bounty hunters do not get suspicious.

When questioned of his absence, Trelawny explains he loves the gang but sleeping in dirt is not his cup of tea. His lead in New York didn't work out so he came back. He finds better quality targets for the gang anyway. Back to the boat, there is a camp up ahead where bounties get transferred. A little farther ahead the boat stops in a small cove across the river.

Use your binoculars to look at the boat. They see Sean taken off the boat and beat. Skelding's boys begin moving him up the canyon. Arthur pans up to see Charles on a ridge above. There are two bounty hunters left on the shore. Trelawny has an idea so follow him.

Paint the walls

Down near the shore Trelawny goes over the plan. He'll go around and create a distraction. Then Arthur and Javier will sneak up for the kill. You can start the gunfight now if you wish. If not, get your knife out and crouch down. Wait for Trelawny to make his way over and then follow Javier through the water. You'll take the one on the left. After Trelawny tries for an Oscar, sneak up and stealth kill the bounty hunters.

After doing his part Trelawny rides off. Go with Javier. There are two more bounty hunters in the canyon. Take them out and the others will be alerted. There are 7 bounty hunters ahead with one up high on a ridge. Kill them all and Javier will tell you to push up. As you do two bounty hunters come down the pass on horseback and another will appear up high near the previous to the left. Kill them and two more appear on a lower ridge to the right plus one up top again. Take them out.


If you don't get the one on the higher ridge Charles is seen struggling with him. Take a shot or don't. Javier says they need to get up there. Run up the pass as two bounty hunters approach. Kill them and keep moving up. Charles will defeat his attacker if needed and joins you at the top. He says the camp is ahead. Follow Javier and Charles.

Camp kill yourself

Javier will go left and Charles right. Arthur will go wherever you like. Approach the camp and bullets will fly. There are 4 bounty hunters spread out across the camp behind various cover. Kill them and move up. Two bounty hunters appear from the right cabin and one on the water tower. Clear them out and keep moving.

The next wave sees two bounty hunters up on the ridge above and one on each side plus an extra making his way to the scene from the right. Kill 3 of them and the others will flee. Go after them if you wish but don't go too far. Rescue Sean who is hanging upside down in the camp. Shoot or cut the rope. He'll need additional help getting the rope off his ankles.

Sean is happy to see Arthur but the feeling isn't quite mutual. Javier will take Sean back to camp. Charles and Arthur will split up. Arthur will stay here to look around and meet them all back at camp. The others ride off. You can loot the camp but after a minute the crime committed will be reported so flee the area.

Note: Back at camp the others will be celebrating Sean's return so any mission givers there will be unavailable for a night. There are drinks around camp. You can join in with singing and dance with Mary-Beth.

Gold Tips

  • Perform stealth kills on the first two bounty hunters. Easy.
  • There is no time or accuracy objective so take it easy. Use cover and get as many headshots as possible. Aim high above an enemy, enter Dead Eye, come down to paint a target on the head, then shoot. Try to save Dead Eye for the ones up high that are hard to get.
  • Shoot the rope holding up Sean. Easy.