â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Return the lost wagon horse to its owner
- Find Karen within 45 seconds
Polite Society, Valentine Style
A quick trip into town to get some leads turns into an extended tour. Some have fun but others not so much.
Rewards: Pen, Bounty Hunting
Favorite parasite
Arthur wakes up a hard-working Uncle. He wants to take a ride into town to look for leads. Uncle has some errands to run anyway. A few of the ladies - Karen Jones, Mary-Beth Gaskill, and Tilly Jackson - want to go too since they're bored. Arthur reluctantly agrees. They all hop into a wagon with Arthur at the helm.
Drive to Valentine. The girls will sing songs along the way. Near the tracks a coach is driving wildly before both horses break free. One will run off. Tilly asks if one of the men will help him. Stop and assist or keep going. If you assist him get off the wagon and speak with the
coach driver. You are given another opportunity to help or not.
If you choose to help go get the
escaped horse. Approach and begin calming it down. Eventually you will be able to lead the
horse and walk it back to the
coach driver. Do so and the driver gives his thanks. Arthur was only doing it for the ladies. Get back on your
wagon. The girls will compliment Arthur if he helps.
The journey continues into Valentine and the girls bring up Molly O'Shea, Dutch's girl, and how she is too high-and-mighty now to do work. This town should at least provide plenty for them. Park next to the stables. The girls will head towards the saloon but need to keep it low. Follow
Uncle to the general store. Inside speak to the clerk to look in the catalogue or browse around the shelves. The game will tell you to buy coffee or a cigar. Browse around for more items if you wish then meet Uncle
Working girls
Arthur and Uncle sit on the bench. Uncle shares his bottle of alcohol and Arthur dozes off for a bit. He awakens to Mary-Beth who has a lead for them about a train full of rich folks going from New York to St. Denis and then off to Brazil. The other girls are busy at the hotel with men they plan to rob. They spot Tilly across the street being pulled into an alley. Arthur investigates.
Go up to them and diffuse the
argument. However you choose to deal with him the man will take the hint and walk off. Tilly is told to join Uncle and Mary-Beth. Arthur will go into the hotel to find
Karen. Enter the hotel. You can speak with the owner who will tell you she is in Room 2B which narrows the search area. Go upstairs to the apartment in the rear on the right side.
A commotion can be heard from within. Kick down the door. A man not-so-well-dressed says he paid for her and begins to attack. Knock him out. Karen is okay. The man was talking about the bank which is why she was attempting to get information from him. A small town like this should have plenty of cash going around. Follow
Karen down the stairs and then go
You didn't see nothin'
They regroup with the others across the street. A man on a horse rides up and stares at them. He remembers Arthur from the Blackwater job a few weeks ago. Arthur attempts to speak with him but the man rides off. Uncle will take the girls home and Arthur will have a word with their new friend.
Chase the
man from blackwater. He'll run through the barns and then head south. If you lose sight of him you can use Eagle Eye to see his trail. Eventually he comes to a cliff and gets bucked off his horse but manages to cling to the ledge. Get off your horse and deal with the
man from blackwater. You are given the option to kill him or question him. Questioning him will have Arthur convince the man he has an unfortunate face and was never in Blackwater. You can then kill or save him.
If saved, Arthur pulls the man up. He's a mess but not dead. His name is Jimmy Brooks. He says Arthur is a good man and gives him a pen. Arthur explains he is not a good man. Jimmy never saw him and they have an understanding about that. Jimmy gets on his horse and rides off. You can keep your temporary horse or return it to the owner for some honor. He'll be near the back of the hotel.
Gold Tips
- Help recover the lost horse. Easy.
- There is no overall time objective so take your time with the lost horse and shopping.
- After dealing with Tilly's assault, run into the hotel and go straight upstairs to Room 2B in the back-right. Kick in the door as soon as you can.