â¸ï¸ GOLD MEDAL â¸ï¸
- Stop Benedict Allbright falling off the cliff
- Hogtie Allbright within 1 minute 15 seconds
- Return Allbright to the sheriff within 1 minute 30 seconds
Good, Honest, Snake Oil
There are plenty of bad people roaming around. Some are wanted more than others. Those ones have a high price on their head so bring them in for extra cash.
Rewards: $50, Loot
Note: This is an optional mission but will show in the
Rockstar Games Social Club as missing if not done. It will automatically fill in after completing the game's story.
Dog eat dog
Arthur enters the Valentine Sheriff office where the Sheriff and a Deputy are talking. They ask if he's a bounty hunter and don't care much otherwise. Valentine attracts low society people and the Sheriff needs a bad man to take in other bad men. They point Arthur to a poster on the wall. The man on it pedals poison and has killed more people than
Landon Ricketts. They need him alive and the money is good. Arthur will see what he can do.
Back in control, you can look at the poster for Benedict Allbright if you wish. Ride out to the
gorge north of Valentine. Come around from the east side at the river and follow the rock slopes up along the cliff. You'll find a small camp in a cut out overlooking the river below.
Confront the
bounty. Benedict denies it's himself but Arthur says he wants to buy some medicine for his sick mother. Benedict changes his tune and is happy to help. He hands Arthur a bottle but it gets tossed off the cliff. Game over. He denies he's killed anyone. Arthur wants to take him in for questioning.
Benedict backs up too far to the edge and falls but Arthur grabs him. Pull Benedict up or let him fall. If rescued, he's happy to be saved until Arthur still wants to take him in for questioning. Benedict would rather jump and finally does. Whatever your decision he drops into the river below and Arthur mounts his horse.
Chase after Benedict as he moves downstream. Arthur tells him to swim to the edge or grab something but that's difficult to do among waterfalls and rapids. You'll need to cross the river at one point but keep going. The rapids will end and Benedict will be floating closer to the edge. Eventually he'll wade out if you don't get to him. Use your lasso to grab the
bounty and hogtie him on dry land.
Put him on your horse and ride back to the
Sheriff's Office. The game warns you not to go through deep water or else you'll lose your passenger. Luckily there is a shallow spot ahead. When Benedict talks you have the option to hit him. Back at the office Benedict will continue to plead with you. Enter the office of the surprised Sheriff and drop him in the cell area. Arthur unties him and puts him in a cell. The Sheriff pays Arthur $50 for his service. You are told to look for more posters around different towns.
Gold Tips
- Pull Benedict up off the cliff. Easy.
- Don't worry about Benedict until the rapids are over. Then lasso him as soon as possible. Drag him to shore with your horse and hogtie him as quickly as you can.
- The game warns not to go through deep water but from where you capture Benedict there is a shortcut across the river towards the left that will save time getting back (purple on the map above). It's a little deep but stay towards the right as you go across to the path ahead.